The Psychological Preparations in Golf

Contrary to popular belief that golf is purely a physical activity, this sport involve the mental and psychological aspects of the person to ensure better performance and success in every game. Those who perceive golf as a lazy sport of swinging the club, hitting the golf ball, and teeing off towards the green, clearly observed golf on its external and surface level. The mental and psychological activities in golf are usually and mostly required prior to and at the moment one hits the golf ball with a club. Many golfers term this period as “pre-shot routine”. During the game but prior to making the winning club swing, the player should be relaxed both physically and mentally to ensure that the golf ball receives an accurate and sound swing from the club.

The mental activity comes first before the physical one to allow the person to relax and focus on the proper technique to apply for the given situation. A relaxed mind and spirit make the player assess mentally the course and its obstacles such as the wind speed, trees and other structures that stand along the path from where one stands to the hole. This assessment will now be taken into consideration in making a mental image of how one will hit the ball. Such mental image gives the player an idea on the proper speed and direction of swinging the club towards the golf ball in consideration of the distance and obstacles along the tee off point and the green. Physical preparations come after a good and relaxed mental activity prior to swinging the golf club and make that winning shot. A calm mind allows the body to relieve and manage the tensions that it is experiencing. This tensions produces trembles, lack of focus, and improper assessment of the situation leading to a bad swing and losing the entire game. Subsequent to clearing one’s mind to achieve focus and yield the accurate evaluation of the course, the golfer must then obtain a relaxed and calmed body. Doing some muscle stretching and bending can attain this best mental and physical condition.

Verily, golf highly involves the body and mind of the player. These mental and physical activities are essential to ensure a sound and winning swing. As much as golf seems to be a physical activity, the truth of the matter is that golf is a mental activity before it is a physical sport. The pre-shot routines utilize the analytic ability of the mind to perceive, foresee, evaluate the obstacles, and apply the proper amount of force and right direction in making the sound swing of the golf club. Such precision based on accurate assessment of the playing field gives the golfer a relaxed and calm body to make confident and sound swings. Golf is indeed a great sport that exercises and enhances the three major parts of the person, the mental, physical, and psychological aspects. These parts are heavily used in playing the sport of golf since their usages as explained above are highly required to win the sport.

Author Bio: Reba N. Stern enjoys writing for which sells cart accessories and golf car parts as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Sports
Keywords: golf cart accessories, golf car parts

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