Tips on How to Write a Novel
At some point in everybody’s life, there must have been a book that they could not put down. Some people are so inspired that they even aspire to write their own novels. There are tens of thousands of books being written every year which means writers are more than just a handful. While the truly exceptional ones and bestsellers are really the cream of the crop, you can also pen your own novel if you are truly inspired. Here are some important steps that you should follow when you want to write your own novel.
– You should map out a story and see how the whole story will flow. Mapping out a story is basically just figuring out the different major parts of the story and is different from the whole writing process. However, when you write, it doesn’t matter whether you follow step by step or just simply jump in into writing the rest of the story.
– Identifying the plot is an important aspect in writing and the plot should include a beginning, middle and an end. The plot is the main part of the story so without it, the novel simply becomes a string of sentences without a central theme.
– Draw out your main characters and other supporting characters. Novels generally move around a central character that moves towards and around the main plot of the story. Called the protagonist, this character is challenged by an antagonist, someone who goes against everything the main character stands for. You should also create the other characters who can help shed more information about the protagonist and the antagonist and help create a more dynamic and colorful facade for the story. Some of these characters also move towards the end plot while some characters disappear at one point or another in the story. Make your characters believable so the readers can identify with them.
– Tell a lot about the environment where the characters are set. Identify the period or era, identify the place, and other events, happenings and activities in their surrounding so the readers can have a vivid picture of the story and get to better understand and dwell deeper into the situations of the characters.
Other important things you should remember are the following. A good grasp of English is necessary. Even if your writing is not that flawless, editing, re-editing and proofreading can do the job. This is normally done by somebody else so a fresh new set of eyes can see what is wrong compared to what the writer can see. You should also have feelings. While every human being has this, incorporating your feelings and personal experiences is more important than the technicality of writing. General knowledge will also come in handy so you can inject actual world facts without the readers having to question and be distracted by them.
When you start writing, go to a quiet place, with windows perhaps, to clear your mind and draw inspiration. When you’re done with your draft, get feedback and see how else you can improve your writing. When you mind is focused and new ideas pop into your head, just sit down and start writing and worry about editing the content later. Before you know it, your novel will be well on its way to being completed.
Author Bio: Criss White writes for Bridal and Wedding Favors about wedding and writing topics. For more articles or to check out some wedding bookmarks and wedding keychains, visit Bridal and Wedding Favors.
Category: Writing
Keywords: Novel, write a novel, writing novels, how to make a novel, book, books, publish, writer, author