Two Kinds of Achievements

Achievements are either intentionally or unintentionally acquired positive or desirable developments in life and career. Intentional achievements are those that result from hard work and patience. These are in the form of sports, promotions, and other winnings or completions. Unintentional achievements on the other hand are those that naturally crop up or result from a long period of practice of some behavior or attitude. These are by way of achieving credibility, respect, and authority. These are unintentional achievements because when one performs something either as an assignment from his or her job or out of personal desire, the respect, honor, credibility, or authority is not usually what one desires to attain but the simple accomplishment of the said task assigned. To illustrate, a peace officer diligently performing his duties may not directly think of earning an achievement of being called honorable, credible, and an authority in the field of maintaining peace and order in their area. His main and direct concern other than successfully performing his job is to achieve promotions or increase in pay. However, by performing his job well, these intentional achievements are coupled with these unintentional achievements of being a person of great characters. In sum, achievement is the result of successes. A successfully peace officer may enjoy promotions in rank and increase in salary as these were intentionally desired and wanted. At the same, he unintentionally holds the trust and confidence as a reputable public servant before his community. This person can declare that he has plenty of achievements both in his career and in his life in general.

Although success may form part of the joys and happiness of a person, these achievements are regarded as the lump sum or aggregate success which the person acquires if he person proceeds to live out the kind of positive characters that catapulted him or her towards the successes experienced. Success must therefore not be treated as a mere display to one’s name but rather, it should be seriously noted that such success must be part of the person’s way of life to multiply the same and receive achievements in life and in career. A sustainable practice of the traits and characters leading to success are essential in getting achievements because a stand-alone success of capturing a fugitive or criminal does not immediately become the achievement as contemplated in this article. It may be considered an accomplishment or success but the same does not yet quality for the term achievement because on has to first establish that such act or performance is a result of character formation and substantial success, not a matter of luck or one-time circumstance.

Thus, achievements consist of various successes of similar nature. These establish the presumption and belief that the said successes constitute an achievement in the person’s character and work ethics. Indeed, achievement calls for a higher form of success. It requires for a substantial quality and quantity of success to be worthy of the term achievement because the same is a lifetime success without any future diminution of its value as such.

Author Bio: Reba N. Stern enjoys writing for which sells cart accessories and golf car parts as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: golf cart accessories, golf car parts

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