Various Ways of Treating Anxiety Disorder

Unreasonable fears are what is being experienced by individuals who suffer from anxiety disorders. The feeling of not being able to do something to make it go away is very frustrating for the sufferers. Medical literature lists four types of anxiety disorders that can affect a person. These are generalized anxieties, phobias, panic disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders.

Generalized anxieties are disorders characterized by prolonged sense of fear of something or some events. Usually these are fears that are considered illogical to normal persons. This can be experienced a sufferer regularly or it can happen erratically.

The feelings of people suffering from generalized anxiety often are they are very irritable, are difficult to get along with and are generally impatient. One of the things to look out for is that these symptoms often manifest in the physical body by way of muscle tensions, faster heartbeats, hot and cold flushes as well as nausea. People who seek treatment for this disorder also seek adhd natural treatment.

Phobias are disorders characterized by extreme fear of something or of a situation. The fears are usually focused or directed to a specific object leading to the sufferer’s strong avoidance of that particular object or situation.

Common among these phobias are: ophidiophobia (fear of snake), acrophobia (fear of heights), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed or small spaces) and arachnophobia (fear of spiders). Sufferers from phobia always feel a certain helplessness and loss of control and the results manifest physically thru: nausea, faster heartbeats, profuse sweating and cold extremities like the hands and the feet.

Panic disorders are caused by a sudden feeling of fear which are usually intense in nature. Common symptoms of panic disorder sufferers include: difficulty in breathing, heart palpitation, chest pains, dizziness, body begins to tremble and having cold extremities.

Depending on the gravity of the situation as perceived by the sufferer panic disorders can last for just minutes or it may eve last for several hours. Seeking medical help and medication for anxiety attack may be the best thing to do especially when this lasts for several hours already. A purecalm may also be utilized when the panic attack occurs.

The so-called obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by a sufferer constantly doing a certain ritual over and over again. Or it can also be characterized by constantly entertaining negative ideas in one’s head causing the person to be always fearful and paranoid.

Examples of OCD as described in anxiety disorder books include, constantly washing the hands repeatedly over several times usually in just a span of minutes in between. The sufferer is worried that he might catch or be contaminated with germs. In most extreme cases include the obsession and persistent thoughts about committing violent acts on his person or on the others.

One interesting characteristic of people suffering from obsessive compulsive behavior is that they are aware of their actions especially the repeated manner in which this disorder manifests. They can also conclude that these actions are unreasonable and silly. But they feel they still have to do such acts in order to release some stress and tension that is building up inside of them. They feel they cannot do something about stopping the irrational behavior but to go along with it. What is worst is that this can destroy their normal social lives. The Linden method UK is very much aware of this situation.

There are several ways to stop anxiety attacks. Stopping this form occurring repeatedly is by the advice and medications given by psychiatrists, medical doctors who specialize in these disorders or by clinical psychologists.

Sufferers are usually advised to stay in the hospital for further observation so that the proper medication can be prescribed. While some other sufferers are treated on an out-patient basis.

Treating this disorder takes the form of medications or drugs. The most common drugs prescribed by doctors include barbiturates, benzodiazepines, propanediols or azaspirodecanedione. The effect of these drugs is that it can relax and sedate the person temporarily. Again, it is best to consult with his medical doctors just to be sure what medication to give.

Author Bio: Article by Beth Kaminski of, a website with the best panic disorder and joe barry mcdonagh information on the web.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: anxiety disorder, adhd natural treatment, purecalm, linden method uk, anxiety disorder books

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