Weight Loss For New Moms: Does SENSA® Provide an Opportunity?

As the owner of a website dedicated to homemade baby food, an obvious set of related issues are those pertaining to new moms, and perhaps the greatest of these is the issue of new moms trying to lose weight. On average, a healthy new mom will have gained 25-35 pounds during pregnancy, and with the new responsibilities and burdens on her time with a new baby, it is difficult to find the time or energy to exercise.

Clearly, an alternative to exercise that many new moms will try is to modify their diet in some manner. This can often be difficult as well due to the necessity for new moms to maintain their energy level.

Weight Loss Supplements

An alternative may exist in the form of weight loss supplements. Dr. Alan Hirsch, the founder and neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of many smell- and taste-related disorders. He has spent 25 years studying sensory phenomena, and many of these studies have explored how enhancing certain smells and tastes can impact eating patterns, mood, perception and even learning speed.

Taste and Weight Loss

His most remarkable studies have involved taste and weight loss, showing that your senses of taste and smell have a profound effect on hunger and eating. In one such study, over a six-month period, subjects sprinkled a variety of savory or sweet tastant crystals onto their food prior to eating. Pre and post study weights were obtained and compared to control subjects. One thousand four hundred and thirty-six patients (87.4% female, 12.6% male) lost an average of 30.5 pounds.


Dr. Hirsch’s research has led to the conception of a product called SENSA®, which is sprinkled onto food prior to eating. It allows you to eat your favorite foods and still lose weight. It works by causing smell and taste receptors to send signals to the brain, telling you that you are no longer hungry. It does not work by causing changes to metabolism as some other supplements do.

The problem with artificially stimulating the body’s metabolism is that the body reacts to this stimulation by increasing the amount of certain hormones released into the blood stream. This does burn off extra calories but it comes at a price. The body’s supply of hormones is not infinite.

If the adrenal glands are constantly bombarded with artificial stimulants they will soon exhaust their supply of hormones, many of which are responsible for metabolism and weight control. Before long the body’s inability to regulate itself naturally will begin to have effects, some of them serious.

SENSA® For New Moms

SENSA® seems ideally suited to the problem of pregnancy-related weight gain, particularly since the 25-35 pounds typically gained during pregnancy matches the amount people usually lose by using this product exactly.

As with any new product, new moms should consult with their doctor before using SENSA®, especially if they are breastfeeding. However, the individual ingredients in SENSA® are known to be safe. SENSA® contains maltodextrin (derived from corn), tricalcium phosphate, silica, natural and artificial flavors, as well as soy and milk ingredients.

Author Bio: For more information related to issues faced by new moms and their babies, as well as an opportunity to try SENSA® free, please visit homemade-baby-foods.com. To see Dr. Hirsch’s credentials, please see his full Curriculum Vitae here.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss for new moms, new mom, weight loss for moms, mommy and baby fitness, new mom diet, sensa

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