What You Should Consider Before Proposing

Getting engaged is one of the most exciting things you will ever do. As soon as you ask, your future bride will no doubt begin planning the wedding and things will move forward at a fevered pitch. This is why it is important to make sure you have your ducks in a row prior to asking your girlfriend to be your wife. If you jump into something you find you are not ready for, you may soon need a divorce lawyer or divorce attorney. While you may feel in your hear that she is the one, it is still important to prepare. First, you want to make sure you are truly ready to be a husband. Marriage is a huge commitment and it should not be taken lightly. It can be easy to get caught up in whether or not you will get a yes response, but if you are not sure, maybe it is too soon to ask. You should make sure you are both on the same page before moving forward with your engagement plans.

If you have found the right girl, it is important to understand if you both share the same plans for the future. You may be perfectly happy together as you are in your current relationship, but if you make a change, things may begin to unravel. There are also instances when one party wants to get married and the other is content with the status quo. Do your best to anticipate her desire for the future. If you get the sense she is not the marrying kind, there is no sense in causing yourself a great deal of heartache.

After you know you have found the right woman and you know she wants to share a future with you, determine if financially it is a good time to propose. Engagement rings can be expensive, although they do not have to be. Choose a ring you feel comfortable giving her, but do not go overboard. Remember you will need money for starting a new life together and if you go into debt paying for the ring, there will be little left once the marriage starts.

Another thing to consider when asking a woman to marry you is how the wedding will go. Planning a wedding is a big test for a relationship. Anticipate how your families will react and do your best to prepare her for the same. It is important that you form a solid team during the wedding planning and ensure the focus is on your starting your life together. There can be a tendency to get wrapped up in the excitement, so do your best to be the voice of reason without ruining the experience.

Finally, take time together to talk about your expectations. Understand what you both want from a wedding and more importantly, what you want from your life together. Having a plan that you develop together reduces the stress of the engagement and gets your marriage off on the right foot.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter has worked with an Atlanta divorce lawyer. His son hired an Atlanta divorce attorney to work out the legal issues with ending his marriage.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: Atlanta divorce lawyer,Atlanta divorce attorney

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