3 Tips to a Healthier Holiday Season

The holiday season is nearly here and according to statistics, there are many health problems that peak during this period. Often, bad effects are seen a month or two after the holiday season is over. To make sure you stay fit this holiday season, and avoid the common health problems that occur during or after the festivities, here are some tips.

– The first and the foremost health issue to address is an eating issue. There are so many parties and feast days to attend to during this period, that overeating becomes common. With that comes both short-term and long-term problems. Short-term problems include indigestion and its related troubles. It is seen that a traditional holiday meal can easily be more than 4,000 calories. And especially if you are overweight or suffering from diabetics, this can play havoc with your body.

– Now it does not mean you skip the holiday meals with your friends and family; rather, devise a way to make sure you don’t overeat in such events. For example, during the day, don’t miss breakfast or lunch thinking that you are going to save space for later on. If you want a snack, make it a healthy one like a fruit or some nuts. While eating the holiday meal, eat salads first as that will fill up your stomach; make sure the dressing is low on calories and fats. While eating, eat slowly and take your time to finish your meal. Also drink plenty of water to help in the digestion process.

– For many people, holiday seasons can be very stressful. In fact, it has been noted by many researchers that there are more instance of heart attacks and other stress-related problems during holiday seasons than at other times! There are many reasons for this. First of all, there is suddenly a huge spike in consumption of fatty foods, alcohol and other such prohibited items even in life of people who are not supposed to have these. Moreover, the stress of Christmas shopping and related things can be quite a handful. For some professions, there are extra load of work during this time of the year (think of the postal department people, those working in malls and so on) which makes them stressful. To avoid that, you have to learn to relax during this period. Don’t take all the work on your shoulders; try to involve all family members in shopping, organizing and decorating your home. As for your workplace, make sure you are well prepared before the season starts. Train your staffs on how to handle the extra work. If possible hire more people temporarily to give you more hands at work.

– Just because it is time to party and have fun, don’t miss your daily working schedule. If it is not possible to follow the regular workout schedule you have, make sure you device one for the holiday season. Exercising regularly is more important because you are inevitably going to eat more during holidays than any other time of the year!
Now that you know some tips on how to stay fit during and after the holiday season, go ahead and enjoy the season all the more by making sure you follow them.

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