5 Self Confidence Tips You Can Start Using Today

Self confidence is often a fragile state. It’s easy for our view of ourselves to get dented or damaged. Often with very little help from anyone or anything. It sometimes seems that our self confidence is like a bubble, just waiting to be burst. Here are 5 simple tips that will help you to boost your self confidence.

1. Smile more often

Smiling is infectious. If you don’t believe me, smile at a few people over the next few hours. Don’t grin like a maniac (that just puts other people off), just allow yourself to smile naturally. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how many people will smile back. Which, in turn, makes them seem friendlier and more approachable, which will help with your self confidence levels.

2. Dress smart

Yup. The old chestnut of dress for success. First impressions count: if you’re in scruffy jeans and your head is covered by a beanie or hooded top, people will judge you on that. If you’re smartly dressed (jeans can still be OK here, just make sure they’re smart and clean) then you’ll be treated with more respect which will have a positive effect on your self confidence levels.

3. Find a role model

They can be real or fictional it doesn’t matter. But find a role model who you can imitate and “call on” when you find yourself in a situation where you’d normally be lacking in confidence. Think through the situation and ask yourself how your role model would react the situation you find yourself in. Then implement the answer. Even if you don’t get the result 100% perfect, chances are that it will be better than you’d previously have managed,

4. Fake it

Confidence is an act. No-one need know that you’re faking it unless you’re covered in beads of sweat and shaking like a leaf. Practice your fakery at home if you get a chance – stand in front of a mirror and don’t be afraid to speak out loud, even if the rest of your family think that you’re cracking up. The more you practice, the more natural your new “fake” self will become until it gradually replaces the old, lacking in confidence, self.

5. Turn every result positive

Especially at the beginning, chances are that you won’t achieve a perfect state of exuding confidence every time you set out to do so. That doesn’t matter – it’s perfectly natural and all part of what makes us humans. But unless the event was a total catastrophe, there’s a good chance that there was at least something positive in it. Sieze on that positive part and expand on it in your mind’s eye. Intensify the good feeling that you had for at least part of your encounter. Make the sounds and colors more vivid in the same way you used to turn up the colors and contrast on your television set as a child. Revel in the moment where your confidence levels were at an all time high and then re-live that moment the next time.

Author Bio: Get more self confidence tips and find out how to use self confidence hypnosis to boost your confidence levels.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: self confidence,self confidence tips,confidence levels,self confidence levels

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