Are You an Attractive Man to Girls

Are you always in the company of girls? Are you regularly getting text messages or emails from girls you barely knew? Do you often have strange ladies chatting you up in social settings?

If you don’t, then you may not be a very attractive women and if you want to be more attractive to them, then will have to work on being more attractive to the ladies.

So the first question to ask yourself what are the male traits that girls love and then work efficiently to acquire those attractive attributes for yourself. There is no magic bullet for this, just your willingness to transform yourself.

Girls simply adore guys who are witty and smart. These men present a picture of security and fun for the gentle sex. By smart, I don’t mean that you must have a Masters Degree of or the likes. Paper qualification does not necessary means that you are smart, it is only a measure that you know how to study and work hard for your qualification.

Being smart in this context means that you are well read and is able to carry conversations well in most subjects intelligently. This virtue indicates that you are a good well rounder. Being witty is also an indication of your intelligence. However, do watch out for the thin line between being witty and corny.

Women love to laugh and have fun. Who doesn’t, right? So by demonstrating your wittiness, you are showing her that you are a fun chap to be with and that you can make her smile and laugh. Who wants to be with a boring guy for the rest their life?

You must have heard about the phrase “cocky and funny”, haven’t you? Yes, women love cocky and funny guys. However, cockiness does not mean that you can be rude, offensive or arrogant. Taken in its proper context, cockiness here means being confident about yourself. Women simply cannot resist confident men because these men project an aura of security and alpha male leadership.

So do not look down or look away when you are talking to her. Hold the eye contact confidently and she will soon swoon over you. If you can make her laugh at the same time with your intelligent quips during the conversation, she will soon be very attracted to you.

Many dating gurus often state that women are not attracted by looks. I wish to clarify on that. Looks do play a very important part in the initial attraction. Otherwise, why do the girls scream in frenzy when in sight of those handsome movie stars or pop stars?

However, as I said, it is only the initial attraction. Although you need many other attractive male attributes to keep the girls hooked on you or if you want to establish a long term relationship, you will still need to look good. This is because you will have to meet the girls first, right? So if you dressed up shabbily, what will be her first impression of you and we all know that the first impression is very important, don’t we?

So read up some fashion magazines and buy the clothes and accessories that will make you look good. If you are overweight, then its about time that you slim down and if you are thin, then hit the gym and put on some muscles on your small frame.

If you are willing acquire all these attractive male attributes, you will naturally become a chick magnet and have the girls all over you.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a relationship and health consultant. If you really want to be a girl magnet, then read Pick up lines and Attract girls pheromone perfume

Category: Dating
Keywords: attractive man, women, girls

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