Company Branding With Signs and Custom Inflatables

Company branding is like creating a persona for your company, its logo, and its services. Branding establishes your company as a leader in its niche market in its own right. Developing your company branding can be tricky, though. Just who your company is (not just what services or products it offers) needs to be communicated to potential customers. Because these are customers that have not come into your place of business (yet), you need a way of communicating a big message in a short amount of time, usually the amount of time it would take a potential customer to drive by your store-front. Because this is a short window of opportunity, it clearly isn’t helpful to have a paragraph long snippet about your business posted. And because drivers should be focusing on the road, whatever you do to draw their attention needs to be large enough to turn their heads as they speed by. In the end, you have a few seconds to communicate what your business does, why they should turn to you instead of your competition and where you are located.

This makes visual images, graphics, and logos very important. Like the old saying, a picture can communicate 1,000 words. That’s a lot of advertising! Just like a tone of voice or facial expression gives the listener an impression of the speaker, think of visual advertising as a way to communicate feeling to potential customers driving by. Here are two options for leaving lasting images for your company branding in the minds of those driving by your business.

1. Small Business Signs
Custom banners and small business signs are a wonderful way to combine your business’ logo, tag line, and special offer in one easy-to-ready package. Always use custom banners and small business signs to highlight and capitalize on how your business is unique from the surrounding community. Why should potential customers finally stop by and walk in? What do you offer that they can get nowhere else in the area? Custom banners and small business signs are a must for company branding as they can answer the question of how to who your company is as a whole package is as little time as it takes for someone to drive by. Company branding with small business signs gives your business a face, a mental picture for potential customers to draw on later.

2. Custom Inflatable Advertising Balloons
Custom inflatables and large balloons take company branding with small business signs one step further. The mental images that graphics create are powerful for brand building and brand awareness, but a custom inflatable giant balloon is a 3-D representation of your company branding which is even more powerful. Representing the character of your business with an advertising balloon creates a larger-than-life branding that potential customers are attracted to. While communicating the same information that a custom signs and custom banners do, giant inflatables express your company in a way that packs more of a “punch”. Using giant inflatable and advertising balloons for business branding gives your business personality.

Author Bio: To find out more about renting inflatable balloons in Central Florida, Orlando, Tampa, Ocala, Jacksonville, or Tallahassee, please visit Florida Inflatable Balloons, or call (888) 781-8300. Or, order a grand opening advertising party kit and find other grand opening ideas at Grand Opening Kit, or call 888-781-8300.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: company branding,small business signs,custom inflatable,custom balloons,custom banners,large balloon

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