Do You Know What the Best Supplements For Women Are?

Vitamins have many functions in the human body. They provide energy for metabolism, help produce hormones, strong bones, and protect us from disease. Because vitamins provide such a variety of functions in the body it is essential that we receive adequate supplies from the foods that we eat or through supplementation. Our bodies do not produce vitamins for the most part so we need to get them from external sources.

High quality vitamin supplements for women are essential if they are not getting them from a balanced and nutritious diet alone. Some may choose to take a multi-vitamin each day while others will concentrate on a specific vitamin that they know they may be lacking. Along with age many women will experience an increased requirement for certain vitamins. An excellent example is calcium which can prevent osteoporosis in older women. Having a proper diet is not always enough to give them the nutrients that are needed. So what are some of the most important supplements that women need?

Vitamin A which is sometimes referred to as retinol is essential in maintaining healthy eyes. It can also help to heal open wounds because it is responsible for boosting the immune system. During child bearing age it is needed for the formation of the heart and other organs in the fetus as it grows. It also helps with moisture retention in the body and thus preventing dryness.

Vitamin B can reduce that tied feeling and help you overcome fatigue. This is true at any age but even more prominent in women over 50 years of age. This is actually a series of vitamins called the B-complex. During pregnancy supplementation will aid in the muscle building process. Folic acid which is a B vitamin is needed during pregnancy to reduce the risk of neural tube defects. It can also aid in the reduction of symptoms caused by PMS.

Women of all ages need adequate supplies of vitamin C. It is responsible for helping to strengthen the immune system. As we age our immune systems will naturally become weaker. This is why it is important to supplement as we get older. Along with helping to reduce the occurrence of cancer and tissue damage vitamin C also keeps the skin looking young and youthful.

We have already spoken about the importance of calcium for women as they age. The amount of calcium needed by the body will also increase as you grow older. Vitamin D is needed because this vitamin will help the body absorb calcium. It does not matter if you are getting the required amount of calcium if the body does not absorb it properly. It is also important for cell growth and healthy bones and joints. Many vitamin supplements for menopause will contain vitamin D because it is effective in preventing osteoporosis.

Vitamin E can help protect red blood cells while lowering the rick of heart disease. If a woman has tender breast it can also be helpful in this area.

Vitamin K can help reduce the symptoms experienced during menopause. It can also assist with blood clotting and the overall health of bones. Because of the fact that most women get adequate supplies from diet it is not normally taken as a supplement. If you think you are not getting it through the foods that you eat you should speak to your doctor.

As with any supplementation program it is advised that you speak to your doctor before starting one. Also keep in mind that you must follow the manufacturer’s daily recommended dosage in order to protect from getting too much of a vitamin.

Author Bio: Are you a woman serious about maintaining optimal health? Then you need to visit supplements for women for the highest quality supplements. You will be on your way to a happier and healthier life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: supplements for women

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