Energy Efficient and Eco-friendly Washing Machines

In the recent years, there has been increasing rise in energy rates, and thus it has become necessary for people to opt for home appliances that help save money on electricity bills. Most of the manufacturers of home appliances are designing their products that are energy efficient and environment friendly. There are wide ranges of gadgets that are designed to provide convenience to accomplish various household tasks in a cost effective manner. This also includes washing machines that can save both water and energy, thereby promoting green environment and reducing electricity bills.

Washing machines in these days are designed to reduce the consumption of water as well as energy, which was the biggest drawback of conventional and outdated models. With improved technology and advanced features washers of these days are better suited for cleaning laundry with limited amount of water, thereby preserving the ecological balance. In the recent times, washer machines are built to be highly energy efficient, and those who are concerned to find an easy solution to slash their electricity bills they can opt for such energy efficient gadgets.

The front loading washing machines with good Energy Star rating are environment friendly and energy efficient as well. Typically front loaded washers are designated to save huge sum on energy bills each year for average consumers, and it can also save gallons of water required for cleaning laundry throughout the year. This clearly indicates that switching to energy efficient machines with improved features can really help an average family to save lot of energy thereby lending their noble gesture to promote greener environment. The latest models of laundry washers are designed to reduce greenhouse harmful gas emissions through limited use of energy and minimize water consumption that help to preserve ground water. Further, using normal temperature water for cleaning laundry can also help to save usage and cost of energy.

Front loaded machines are built to be more environment friendly than those top loaded machines. These washers are gentle on clothes and thus delicate garments can also be cleaned with them. The front loaded washing machines with improved technology are capable of spinning and flipping clothes and clean bulk amount of laundry with minimal quantity of water. Most of the latest models come with central agitator that allows more room for loading heavy laundry. These washers can operate at high speeds in much more spin cycles than traditional washers enabling the users to have completely dry clothes when the cleaning process is complete.

With high energy Star ratings, these latest washer machines are designed to meet the mandatory guidelines set by the Environment Protection Agency and Department of Energy in US. The Energy rating sticker called Modified Energy Factor on latest models provide detailed information of energy efficiency of these household gadgets. The Water Factor shows the quantity of water used for a single wash. It may be difficult for consumers to select the most energy efficient washing machines as new improved models are consistently introduced in the home appliances market. There are several home appliances manufacturers that offer incredible eco-friendly and energy efficient machines to perform daily household tasks within minutes. According to Consumers reports the highly energy and water efficient and environment friendly washing machines are those that also perform well. Though these washers may be a little expensive they have long term benefits that are worth the value.

Author Bio: let’s you compare washing machines from a range of shops and manufactures including Hotpoint washing machines

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Washing machines, advice, reviews, appliances, homes, hotpoint

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