Getting Prepared For an Emergency Evacution

If you live in an area that is known for hurricanes, typhoons, flooding, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, or any other natural disaster – and that covers just about anywhere on the globe – you should be aware of the need for emergency evacuation plans. This is especially important in regions battered by yearly storm seasons. Preparing for an emergency evacuation can be essential to the survival of your family.

1) Know the Evacuation Routes.

Any area that is evacuated for emergency reasons on a regular or semi-regular basis will have a designated evacuation route. Many of these routes are marked with signs that will help direct traffic in the case of an evacuation. If you aren’t sure if there are evacuation routes in your area, contact your local police station or city hall for additional information. Take the time to drive the evacuation route once or twice, so that you know the roads to take, even if you are very familiar with your local area. Familiarity with the evacuation routes will help ease any confusion or frustration that may happen in an emergency situation.

2) Know The Season

Many areas have a season during which emergency evacuation may be necessary. Though the ‘storm season’ may be common knowledge to locals, it often comes as a surprise to newcomers. Know when this season is, and use it as a deadline to make sure that you are prepared for evacuation. Once you know what the storm season is, you can monitor news sources to keep yourself apprised of any pending evacuations.

3) Construct a Plan

Have a general plan that explains how each family member will get to safety in the event of an emergency. Consider the variables, since some family members may be at work, school or home in the event of an evacuation, and you should have a rough plan of what each person should do in the most common locations they might be when the evacuation begins.

4) Pack Essential Supplies

The last thing that you’re going to want to do in an emergency evacuation is try and round up all the essentials that you might need for the duration of the evacuation. Start by making a simple list of the things that you would need in most situations, including food, clothing, toiletries, and medications. Pack a small bag for each member of your family and keep the bags in an easily accessible location that everyone in the household knows. Remember, you want to be able to get to these supplies quickly in order to carry them out of the home or load them into your car. If you have pets, make sure that you have supplies for them as well.

5) Designate a Rally Point.

In any emergency, it may be difficult to contact all of the members of your family. Cell phone lines get jammed, internet connections fail and public phones may not be accessible. Make a plan for where your family will gather once everyone is evacuated, just in case family members take different routes to safety. You can also make arrangements to contact a friend or family member outside of the evacuation area. Arrange to have all family members get in touch with your emergency contact as soon as possible during an emergency situation.

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Category: Advice

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