How to Beat the Winter Blues by Learning to Juggle

The Winter Blues, often called Winter Depression effects many people after they find themselves stuck inside during long periods of time during the cold months of the season. Why does this feeling of sadness or depression occur? It seems to really be that a lot of people just cannot think of things to do in their free time when they are alone or shut inside. I am happy to say that I have never experienced this, I have lived most of my adult life by myself and I get along just fine.

Now, I don’t want to start rambling on about how different folks are from one another, or such, I want to get back to what this article is really about, beating the winter blues by learning to juggle. Why learn to Juggle? Juggling is one of the neatest things to do and see, how many times have you watched TV or been to a fair or carnival and seen someone juggling, wasn’t it amazing! Once you master 3 ball juggling, you can impress your family, children, parents and friends.

Now, your not going to start juggling flaming torches, or chainsaws in the beginning, and I wouldn’t recommend trying it ever, but that’s entirely up to you as your progress and skill increases. I am going to tell you the basics on how you can learn to juggle up to 3 balls fairly easily. First of all, when I talk about juggling balls, you should know that there are special balls made just for juggling that jugglers use. These balls appear almost like normal rubber balls but they are in reality a lot different, when these balls hit the hands after falling they do not bounce like normal rubber balls, in fact they feel and act more like beanbags, and they are not perfectly round like normal balls.

This non-bounce effect makes juggling balls, a lot easier to use then normal rubber balls. You can search the internet because there are some great sources to buy a 3 pack of professional juggling balls for under $10 total. Now lets say you have the 3 juggling balls, so how do you learn to juggle? Juggling is so easy to master that you would probably not believe it, if you knew the truth. You simply start by throwing one ball from one hand, up into the hair about head level and letting it land into the other hand, then reversing this process, once you master the simply one ball technique, you advance to 2, then 3…. and before you know it, you are juggling like a professional.

There you have it, so if you really want to beat the winter blues this season, simply buy yourself some juggling balls and learn juggling. Just search the internet and you will find numerous sites that show you the motions of juggling step by step, and how easily it is done. This will turn all them boring and cold winter days into days of fun.

There is a website that describes numerous activities and other methods to help eliminate the Winter Blues, this website is called: Winter Activities – and it may be found at this url:

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Author Bio: Robert W. Benjamin has been involved in weight loss and has been researching the Winter Blues for a few years. He has personally turned his life around at the age of 50, by reducing his body weight from 400 lbs to 185 lbs. If you want to turn your life around, and read other great info and ideas on beating the winter blues, please check out the website below: Winter Activities

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: winter blues, winter depression, winter activities, juggle, learn to juggle, how to juggle, learn ju

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