Iran Foreign More Emphasis on Nuclear Issue

ranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said Manchester on the 14th, a day after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on dismissal of Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki made the decision not to Iran’s national policy, including the nuclear issue on the policy impact.Lancaster said, Iran’s basic policy will not be any change, because policy is mainly decided by the national leadership, the Foreign Ministry’s main responsibility is to implement policies.

Presidential Decree 13 issued by Ahmadinejad, Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced the lifting of duties by the Vice-President of Iran, the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization of Xisalixi temporarily assume the foreign minister. Dismissal decision suddenly, without any previous symptoms, Mottaki was also working visit to Senegal, West Africa. Mottaki duties for the specific reasons for discharge, the president did not mention.

Since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected Iran’s president in 2005 after Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki that as. However, in that year’s presidential election, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mottaki is not supported, but Ahmadinejad’s opponents within the party – Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani. Iranian media reported that Mottaki as foreign minister, is based on the will of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Ahmadinejad and Mottaki as political differences have appeared before the public friction. Ahmadinejad has tried to neighboring countries to Iran to send presidential envoy as diplomatic representatives of Iran, but Iran’s Mottaki think this is the superposition of the functions of diplomatic missions, which strongly opposed the intervention of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after that makes the inside Judd gave up the idea. Some analysts believe that, Mottaki dismissed another important reason is that, since 2005, Iran has neither effectively handle relations with neighboring Arab countries, but also failed to resolve Iran’s nuclear program caused by the multiple rounds of UN sanctions. However, some people think that, as Mottaki was not directly involved in the negotiations to the nuclear issue to the nuclear issue on the grounds of its dismissal of the claims far-fetched.

This time Salehi was appointed foreign minister in the Iranian nuclear issue sufficient to show that the importance of diplomacy. Not only that, I also have a rich Salehi work and life experience overseas, which is rare in Iran’s political arena. Salehi attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, can speak fluent English, also served as the representative of Iran in the IAEA, which some analysts said the current nuclear standoff is inextricably, Salehi regarded Iran launched a suitable candidate.

However, for Salehi’s appointment is temporary or permanent can not be determined.non-official news agency quoted informed sources 14, as saying that senior officials of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran would be likely to succeed Salehi Canaday served as head of the organization. If true, Salehi’s appointment will mark the entry to the nuclear issue of Iran’s foreign-led period.

Earlier this month in Geneva from 6 to 7, the nuclear negotiations, the new round of talks scheduled for the end of January next year, held in Istanbul, Turkey. Media analysts say, at least up to now, Iran’s Foreign Minister changed hands can not explain Iran’s position on the nuclear issue have changed.

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