Is Soy Protein Better For You Than Whey Protein?

Soy protein and whey protein have a lot in common: both come in powder forms and both are used as bodybuilding supplements. You certainly can benefit from both whether you are a bodybuilder or not. Whey protein has long been associated with bodybuilding, and soy protein has been involved in recent studies concerning its role against diabetes and heart diseases.

If you are not sure which one to add to your health regimen, here are some factors that differentiate them.

Food Sources

Whey is a dairy product. It is the liquid separated from the milk curd in the production of cheese. When the cheese is removed, the liquid is dried and filtered to remove the fats it contains. It may also undergo a process called spray drying to yield higher protein content.

Soy protein comes from the legume soybean. The beans are ground until soy flakes or finer soy flour is produced, and from here three different processes can be used in producing slurry that results in the settling of protein. All processes make it easier to isolate the protein concentrate from the slurry.

Protein Content

Whey protein powders have varying protein content. Whey called concentrates has up to 70 per cent protein while powders labeled as isolates have higher protein at 90 per cent on average. Both of which have a milky taste whereas whey proteins that undergo the process called hydrolysis are very bitter.

All of the processes used to make soy protein yield consistently high protein content at 65 per cent on average. However, the proportion of protein absorbed by the intestinal walls is lower in comparison with most protein coming from dairy products largely due to the fact that its solubility is low.

Other Substances

Whey protein products may have other bioactive chemicals like carbohydrates. Whey powders with lower protein content have higher levels of carbohydrates in the form of lactose, which is not good for you if you are lactose intolerant. Some have caseins, the major allergens of milk.

Soy protein products always have a significant fraction of carbohydrates, which can be as high as 40 per cent. At the same time, soy protein is a good source of fiber accounting for an average of 5 per cent. It may also have oil and an insoluble residue composed of inorganic compounds.

Digestion Rate

Most proteins from animal sources are easy to digest, including whey. This is the reason why whey powders remain the popular choice among bodybuilders. In addition, whey protein that undergoes the process called hydrolysis has the amino acids broken down, making it the fastest to absorb among all protein supplements.

On the other hand, soy protein has been known especially among bodybuilders to have quite lower digestion rate. Over the years new soy products with much higher biological value, the percentage of protein eventually converted for use by the body, have been made available in the market.

Depending on what you need it for, both offer a wide array of benefits. Have you had your serving of whey or soy protein today?

Author Bio: Give Healthy Soy or Whey protein a try risk free at VitaNet ®, LLC Vitamin Store.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: soy protein, whey protein, best protein to take, build muscle

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