Make Your Template Website Sell

Websites designed from templates account for at least 80 percent of the business sites on the Net. Chances are you or your web designer used a template to design your site.

That is a good thing. Templates let you have an attractive, professional site without paying a lot of money — or any money at all. But there are a few problems that keep many template sites from selling their most.

* Templates emphasize graphics while minimizing copy. Most template sites simply don’t have enough writing to explain your business and sell your products or services.

* Templates tend to keep YOUR personality from shining. Your site looks slick, but probably looks like a lot of other sites and doesn’t let visitors get an honest feel for you and your company.

* Template sites frequently don’t give search engines what they need to list your site where customers and prospects can find you.

Simple Solutions

Don’t worry. There are some very SIMPLE changes that will make your template website perform like a million bucks.

1. Add plenty of copy to your pages. Write 100 to 300 words for your home page. That is the first page visitors see and many are reluctant to click to other pages if they don’t have basic questions answered on the home page.

List your features or services and add a benefit or two with each. For example: Plumber Jason Jones repairs plumbing fast and at reasonable cost. You get back to your normal life without waiting and you save money!

Most template sites have type that is rather small. If a lot of your customers are middle age or older, make your type at least 12 point or medium sized. People who have to squint to read tend not to buy.

2. Fill out your “About” page and “Contact” pages. Tell your story with a full page on your About page. Start your contact page with a paragraph that covers how you can help people when they call or email.

3. Be sure to include a Title for your home page. The Title is the line that appears at the top of your browser. That’s what search engines look for first when deciding how to list your site.

Far too many template sites have a title that says “home page.” Instead, change the title to your name, your city, and a few words to explain what you do.

For example: Plumber Jason Jones in Centertown, Iowa 555-555-1212

Anyone who searches Google for a “plumber Centertown, Iowa” will likely find Jason at the top of the heap.

While you’re at it, fill out the description meta tag at the top of your home page’s html code. This is the description that search engines will use with your link. Make your description a short ad for your site.

Going back to our plumber example: Centertown, IA Plumber Jason Jones is prompt, good, and low cost. Call 555-555-1212.

4. Finally, resist the temptation to fill your home page with too many widgets and applications. Many template services, like the highly popular WordPress, let you simply click a button to add a calendar, a survey, or stock photos. I see some sites that have so many of these do-dads there’s not enough room left to learn about the business.

Good News For Template Sites

The online world for template sites just keeps getting better and better. Most hosting services now include special hosting for WordPress sites. Plus, there are 3rd party designers who create graphic elements you can easily tweak and rework to reflect your business and individuality.

Now anyone building a website from a template can do many of things you would have needed an expensive team of designers to do in the past.

Even better, hire a web designer to help you with your template site. Because templates greatly reduce the work a designer has to do, many will work on your site at low cost.

Author Bio: Kevin Nunley has written sizzling copy for thousands of websites. Have him spruce up your site so it really sells. See Kevin’s affordable writing service at Reach him at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: template site,wordpress,promoting template site,Kevin Nunley,writer

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