“Micro Outsourcing Are You Doing it Yet?”

Is Micro Outsourcing The Key To Your Success Going Forward?

Today I’m asking the question is Micro Outsourcing the key to your success going forward, but what do I mean by that and why does it matter?

Well put simply the more you business grows the more you need to Outsource parts or increasingly larger sections of your business to release your time on the key sales, product development and relationship building that really matters and this is where Micro Outsourcing really comes into it’s own

What could only be described as a rash of Micro Outsourcing sites have sprung up recently and they make perfect sense for both the person on a budget when they are starting out and to be honest used correctly they still make sense for those of us who take things rather more seriously

So back to what exactly do I mean by Micro Outsourcing sites? well in this interpretation I mean sites that advertise fixed price jobs or gigs as they tend to be known for between $4 and $30 Dollars, in this range you can get just about anything done

On the face of it they sound great but as always it comes with a critical caveat emptor [buyer beware] for those of you not of the Latin persuasion, get it right and your work is done in 24 to 48 hours at a great price, get it wrong and massive frustration and delayed projects await, I know I’ve seen both sides

Get it right however and you will recommend the people concerned to your subscribers, welcome to the world of Micro Outsourcing

Planning For A Successful Micro Outsourcing Campaign

Planning and research are everything in getting your Micro Outsourcing campaigns to work the right way, first of all you must be absolutely clear what you want, with unclear instructions your outsourcer is taking an educated guess and you will not get what you want, result frustration, wasted time, plan well and you will benefit every time, it may take a few minutes longer to start with but believe me it will be worth it

Always check how the market views them, Micro Outsourcing sites use a review and rating system, read them first before ordering, if they are not rated asked them a question and watch the response, is it customer friendly? is it done quickly? pay close attention because this is likely to mirror your actual experience when using this person

Get all of your support materials together and put them in a zip file like win zip, many Micro Outsourcing sites only allow you to send 1 file at a time and you don’t want to find this out just as you are 75% of the way through your order, again been there done that

Next think on a personal level, explain to the outsourcer that if this gig works out you are looking for somebody to do this on a regular basis, in life we work with nice supportive people who make our lives better, just because they are low cost does not mean they are low value, build relationships and watch your service levels rise dramatically

For those of you used to the traditional outsourcing sites you will find the lack of bid time and endless form filling a breath of fresh air, Micro Outsourcing is simply and straightforward all the gigs are already planned out, that said if you want something extra or different just ask the question, I always do, just remember the relationship part as your doing this

So Where Do I Find These Micro Outsourcing Professionals?

So where you may be wondering do you find these Micro Outsourcers? good question, a search on Google will give you a couple of the most popular but there are a great number now just waiting to make your life so much more straightforward

Lets start with the best known of these Micro Outsourcing sites one called Fiverr as it’s name implies all gigs are $5 Dollars, yes you read that right just $5 Dollars, would you like the 2 million hits a day this site gets? thought so, you can get everything, right down to somebody singing happy birthday in a celebrity voice

Next up comes Gigswood they offer gigs for between $4 and $19 Dollars, it’s perhaps my favorite Micro Outsourcing site, it’s just had a major revamp and again the range is huge, in all cases you can also post wants on the sites, just sign up, it takes two or three minutes and your ready to go

Next up is a site called Zeerk slightly wider cost range between $5 and $25 Dollars, again a big range and again another popular Micro Outsourcing site, a quick look on the front page alone comes up with some great gigs, well worth a further look

Lastly in my roundup of Micro Outsourcing sites is one called Gighour almost unbelievable but their gigs start at just $1 Dollar and range up to $7 and all combinations based on that, I’ll leave you to draw your conclusions on appearance but the content is deadly serious and great value

So it goes without saying that this is a subject with plenty of mileage in it and I will doubtless return to it at a later stage but for now my advice is if your not already doing so start Micro Outsourcing.

Author Bio: Reviews of new Online products, latest tips for success, Outsourcing resources and improving your Online business http://www.tonyclingan.com/2010/12/micro-outsourcing-are-you-doing-it-yet/

Category: Business Management

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