Mole and Wart Removal-What You Need to Know to Rid Yourself of Moles and Warts

Mole and wart removal are among the most common problems the average person is liable to face. Moles and warts are pretty everyday occurrences, and there is no place on earth where these are not a health issue. You will rarely find yourself at any particular risk from these pesky little guys, but that does not mean you should ignore them. Here is a summary of what you need to know to manage any moles or warts which may appear.

Even though moles and warts are largely of no medical significance, you should always exercise common sense. If you think you have cause for concern about any unusual mark or blemish on your body, then do the sensible thing and get your doctor to have a look.

Let’s start with the basics. What are moles and warts?

Moles are no more than dark pigmented spots on the face or body, and are often regarded as beauty marks.

Moles are of two kinds: the ones you have at birth, and the ones you have later on.

For example, I have a small mole on the right side of my face under my eye. I was born with it, and like most such moles, it has remained the same size, shape and color all of my life. It poses no risk to me, and I have no reason to worry about it.

Moles which appear later in life may change shape and color. These are the ones you have to monitor, as they may be the harbinger of something more sinister, such as skin cancer.

Most of the time, these late appearing moles are nothing to worry about, but again, use your head and get them looked at. Even if it is harmless, as it likely will be, it may be uncomfortable to you, and may be worth the trouble of treatment.

Warts are completely different from moles. These are caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV for short.

HPV is found everywhere human beings are, and is impossible to avoid. It is spread by contact, either directly or indirectly through shared clothing or other shared objects in the human environment.

They are harmless, though they can be uncomfortable depending on where they are located, and they may be displeasing aesthetically.

Warts come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Warts on the face or body may be a little brown or reddish in color, may be slightly raised, and can be somewhat rough in appearance. Warts on the sole of the foot, called plantar warts, tend to be quite flat and rather white looking.

Warts on the genitals are a particular cause for concern insofar as they are quickly spread through sexual contact. They may also be confused with a more serious sexually transmitted disease, so do not delay getting treated if you think you’ve got these.

Warts are very, very common in children, and they usually vanish by themselves without treatment. In adults, they often persist, and so may prompt us to take action.

If you have either a mole or a wart and you want treatment, you have a ton of options open to you.

Moles and warts are both responsive to laser therapy. Because it is relatively quick and is very clean in its results, laser treatment is very popular and is widely available.

Using extreme cold, or cryotherapy, is common for treating warts. Essentially, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the wart and kill the HPV virus. Done right, the wart dies and falls off within a week or so. Plantar warts are often treated this way.

Surgery is also available for the treatment of moles and warts, but this is rather more costly and more troublesome. Also, because the surgical treatment of moles and warts is largely a cosmetic issue, your insurer may not be willing to cover the costs. Proceed carefully and find out what all your treatment and payment options are.

Finally, warts often respond well to the application of salicylic acid, which you can buy at your corner drugstore. This is a very old remedy, and has a good record. The drawback is that it may take weeks for you to see a result. That said, it is cheap and easily available.

Author Bio: Jim Evans is a mole and wart removal expert. For more great information on mole wart removal visit

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: mole wart removal, mole and wart removal, mole removal, wart removal

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