Obesity Can Prove Costly – Exercise is the Solution

Obesity is fast becoming more common than any other disease and the cost of being obese is growing at a blistering pace too. In the United States alone the obese already spend close to 41% more on medical bills compared to people with average weight. In fact obesity is proving costly in health terms too, as disability and deaths, directly or indirectly related to obesity are on the rise.

If you consider the major health problems which are continuously on the rise, diabetes and obesity are top on the list. The worrying factor is that the situation is becoming worse more rapidly than ever before.

Although experts have been giving warnings from a long time about the toll being overweight takes on health, now the obese have also begun to feel the pinch on their purses.

– An obese person spends approximately 72% more on Medicare expenses compare to a person with average weight.

– Also, obese people spend up to 80% more on prescription drugs alone than average weighted people pushing the net cost higher.

– Obesity is the main cause behind numerous chronic conditions that include heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many more.

– The diseases caused by obesity also create high costs that eat into your savings overtime.

The major cause of obesity is an inadequate life style. In the mad rush of everyday life you don’t get time to address the lifestyle changes which have the ability to make you healthy and obesity free. The two major lifestyle changes that can bring about a health revolution in your life are:

– Consumption of healthy food
– Regular exercise

Eating the right food and avoiding the foods which pile up unwanted calories on to your body is the first step you must take in your fight against obesity. You must eat only healthy food which could include green fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grain bread, lean white meat, fish and at the same time avoid soda’s and other aerated drinks which are loaded with sugar. Also avoid white breads and other food items which come under the snack food and fast food categories as all of them are capable of providing your body with lots of unwanted calories which take tremendous effort to discard.

All said and done, the life style change which can prove to be the key to not only controlling obesity but also eradicating it and making your body healthy and disease free is developing the habit of doing regular exercise. Exercising is not only the most important solution to avoid obesity or in case you are already obese, to bring you back in shape, but it’s also the most fool proof solution available to you.

Exercising regularly helps in burning up extra calories, it helps in strengthening your body, it increases your stamina and so it also decreases the possibility of contracting many diseases. The best part is that it is totally under your own control. To challenge yourself physically you don’t need the help of anybody else. You can do walking on your own which is a great way of burning up calories, you can swim, which is one of the best forms of exercise available and you can even visit a gymnasium regularly as there are well equipped gyms in every locality with modern equipment and also an instructor to guide you.

So get into those walking shoes every morning and burn up some extra calories on the way to a healthy and obesity free life.

Author Bio: If you would like to book for a Boot Camp in Hyde Park or a $1 two-week Boot Camp trial, visit Bootcamps Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camp in Hyde Park

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