Refer to Your Truck’s Maintenance Schedule & Carry a Roadside Emergency Kit

A penny saved is more than a penny earned. This is more than a good adage to remember when it comes to preventing road side emergencies.

The importance of ongoing regular car inspection and routine automotive maintenance schedules and schedules cannot be overstated or overly emphasized. A moment’s care and attention well placed can save you and your family great amounts of time, money and even anguish. In your glove box or on your computer screen is the automotive manufacturer’s owner’s manual and vehicle maintenance schedule roster.

The automobile maker recommended maintenance schedule that came with your vehicle , or can be obtained from your local dealer or on the corporate website provides a good , solid genuine basis of where to start , how often and how much. You will find listed a simple series of routine checks and waypoints to go by. You cannot go to wrong with that simple list – even if having to negotiate with the dealer network over service and service schedules in a court of law. But really there is no doubt. Owning a car, truck or sports utility vehicle is a responsibility. Costs are great enough with adding neglect to the mix. Having a series of simple routine checks to be conducted at regular and ongoing intervals will simply put extend the life of your automobile and reduce costs overall – whether over the lifetime of the car , per month or per mile measurement and measurements of costs. On top of that not only will you increase and improve auto reliability of service so you can count on reliable transportation but also you will improve your gas mileage, reduce fuel costs. In addition you will reduce those sometimes frequent and certainly costly repairs in these days of high shop labor rates and costly auto part component replacements.

Yet even in the best maintained of cars and trucks it’s an eventuality that accidents or even mechanical failures can occur. It may be on the way to check out a new property in the country during a winter drive that your vehicle slides off the road into a snow covered ditch or culvert. For this reason it’s a wise idea to carry an emergency kit in your vehicle. A cell phone is always a good start to call for help. You should have basic tools, plus essential road safety items such as flares and a fire extinguisher. Add in a solid and checked spare tire repair kit – that is a checked and air filled donut spare tire, jack and wrenches all in place for quick and ready access in the trunk wheel well.

It only takes a moment for a disaster to happen. Sure you can help efforts out by maintaining your vehicle – be it car, truck or SUV well. Follow your auto’s owner’s manual and recommended service schedule to a tee. In addition be prepared with a roadside emergency kit was well. You can never play it too safe. Be safety wise. Safety and good auto maintenance habits don’t cost they pay.

Author Bio: Tommy I Vestore Eagle Ridge GM – Vancouver Auto Dealer British Columbia Auto & Truck Financing Coquitlam Maple Ridge BC Car Service

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