Starting an Exercise Routine You’ll Stick With

It’s easy to get excited about working out. It’s another thing to stay excited and stick with the routine. Many people don’t follow through with their exercise routines throughout the year. However, if you want to lose weight and improve your health, you need a good routine that you will stick with. Here is a look at how you can start up a routine and then stick with it to see the results that you want.

See Your Doctor

The very first thing that you should do is see your doctor. Before you start exercising, you should make sure that you are healthy enough to exercise. Some conditions may mean you need to start out very slowly. You want to ensure that any possible health problems are found so you can safely exercise.

Test Your Own Physical Fitness

It’s a good idea to test your physical fitness before you start your new routine. This way you can measure your progress as you go along. Consider finding out your BMI and take measurements of your body. Usually you’ll want to measure the chest, hips, arms, thighs, and waist. You can also check you resting heart rate, flexibility, and of course your weight. Every moth or so you’ll want to retest yourself to see how you are doing.

Start Slow

If you haven’t exercised in a long time or you are overweight, it is important that you start out slow with the exercise routine. You may even want to start out with only 15 minutes of exercise until you build up to a longer amount of time. Warming up is going to be essential as well so you don’t end up hurting yourself. As you continue, you should soon be able to exercise for 30 minutes at a time. Don’t try doing too much in the beginning as well or you will burn out.

Choose Something You Like and Mix it Up

There are two main reasons people give up on exercising. One reason is because they hate the exercise they are doing. The other reason is that they get bored with their exercises. To avoid this problems you need to choose exercises you like and mix up your routine as well. What do you enjoy doing? Try to incorporate this into your exercise routine. You don’t want to have the same workout every day either. Try to mix things up. One day you may want to exercise on the rebounder, another day you may want to jog, and maybe add some swimming in sometimes for variation.

Have Goals

If you never set a goal, it will be more difficult to keep up your exercise routine. Set goals to aim for and make sure that they are realistic as well. Don’t make goals long term either. Set goals that you can achieve rather quickly. This way you keep yourself motivated to the long term goal and you don’t end up giving up because it seems impossible.

Author Bio: This article is brought to you by To learn more about the many health benefits of rebounding or to order your Needak rebounder visit our site or call 1-800-644-0453

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: rebounder, health, fitness, exercise, weight loss, mini trampoline,

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