“The Fastest Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Site Today”

What Are The Fastest Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Site Today

If you look in your inbox today it will be stuffed with e mails promising you the holy grail of traffic generation but how many times have these promises of the Fastest Ways to drive traffic left you feeling cheated out of a real way of achieving it? if your anything like me quite a lot I suspect

Now we shouldn’t for one moment start to think that there are not ways of driving a lot of traffic quickly, far from it but we must temper our enthusiasm and our credit cards because the promises of the Fastest Ways of traffic generation keep coming and the ones promising automated free traffic are often stretching things more than a little bit

Let’s face it turning on the traffic taps would be nice, that really would be one of the Fastest Ways to high profits and the often vaunted hours work a day with money pouring in while you sleep with a new glitch and undiscovered method known only to the gurus hmm!

And yet if you get most of the gurus to be honest about what they do they will admit that the Fastest Ways to drive traffic are to use paid traffic and that media buys seems to be the flavor of the month at the moment, so what’s really going on

Well we know that Google’s platforms are not attracting the advertising that they once were, paid Google advertising on a search page now accounts for just 8% so clearly that’s fading away, clearly they have started to price themselves out of the market, this was always seen as one of the Fastest Ways to drive traffic and it still has it’s place in small scale testing of new sales page conversions but it is now too expensive for general advertising

But how about the massive untapped torrent of free Google traffic that we are now being told is out there, wouldn’t this really be the holy grail, one of the most legitimate and Fastest Ways of driving unlimited targeted traffic, well in part it’s always been there, it’s just not been fashionable to look for it in recent times

The Common Myths on The Fastest Ways To Drive Traffic

Okay put your hand up if you’ve ever bought into one of these undiscovered, untapped, black hole, etc, etc method of driving traffic, be honest we all have, when you opened it one of two things happened, either it was an established method dressed up in new clothes or as has happened recently it was asking you to try and trick one of the paid traffic sites with a script, I don’t know about you but I don’t think that’s a good idea on perhaps the fastest growing traffic site online

Let’s be totally honest here, if these Fastest Ways to drive unlimited free targeted traffic existed do you really think it would be a secret for long, in the end this is a business and businesses have to balance cost against income and traffic generation is a cost period

Ah I can here you saying, free traffic has no cost but I would argue that it does because either your or your Outsourcers time is not free, so really none of the Fastest Ways of driving traffic are truly free, if you balance the perhaps hundreds of hours a year you spend researching it then it is far from free

How about unlimited free traffic that we see advertised, you know the one, I was getting 1000 visitors a day but after I installed this push button 3 clicks software I now get 95,000-100,000 visitors a day, surely that really does represent one of the Fastest Ways of driving free traffic, well the truth is rather different

Yes I do believe that people are generating incomes of 100,000 Dollars a month and upwards selling digital products on sites like clickbank but if you read a number of blogs some of these people are being rather less than honest in what they do, so myth number one is most of that income comes from paid traffic, we are talking 50,000-75,000 Dollars a month paid traffic

So there are a stream of products coming out selling free unlimited traffic generated we are told be cutting edge software when really these people are buying the traffic to promote their offers, the second thing is the income claims are based on their total results across a range of affiliate products not on the income from the product they are talking about

Clearly then the people who are selling this holy grail, this dream if you like using the Fastest Ways to drive targeted traffic and it’s not free and it’s not quick because myth number two is the amount of time involved in doing this, far from the 1 hour a day and off to the beach many are working 7 days a week at it

So What Really Are The Fastest Ways To Drive Traffic

So myths shattered, push button simple isn’t really that simple and it certainly isn’t free, what are the Fastest Ways to drive targeted traffic to your site? well there are two main competitors to Google for paid advertising along the lines of Google adwords and certainly they represent the Fastest Ways to drive targeted traffic

Now it’s not going to come as a great shock because these really do exist, they are less expensive, you can control your budgets easily and they do represent two of the Fastest Ways to drive truly targeted traffic to your sites, put simply they are Facebook and the dating site Plenty of Fish

When you think about it, both models which are very different hold a lot of information on their subscribers, ideal for a demographic model and both have Demographics Tool ,so their Fastest Ways to drive traffic can also be very profitable, just check what they do and don’t accept before you try and advertise

Of course if you have something that converts well then your JV partners represent one of the Fastest Ways to drive traffic and being a warm market there’s less resistance, it also represents the only really true way to get free targeted traffic but you must be prepared to do the same for others, it’s not a one way street

We often read about a truly viral product ,a great report or a great piece of information that somebody gives away, now clearly this is not free for the person creating it but the returns can be enormous, Rich Schefren’s Internet Manifesto truly was one such product and as such represented one of the Fastest Ways to drive targeted traffic, over 1 Million people downloaded that report and no serious marketer should be without it

Now clearly these do not represent the only ways to drive traffic but they do represent ways that you can actually do it today, they are completely as they seem, in another post I am going to look at other ways of driving traffic, not immediate but methods that keep delivering visitors but if you want quick traffic these are the Fastest Ways.

Author Bio: Reviews of new Online products, latest tips for success, Outsourcing resources and improving your Online business http://www.tonyclingan.com/2010/11/the-fastest-ways-to-drive-traffic-to-your-site-today/

Category: Internet

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