The How-To’s of Running

Running is a popular sport that is extremely beneficial for the participant. The first step to learning how to run is for one to have discipline to go on a regular basis. Running takes a lot of energy and commitment so one must be sure that they are really interested in continuing. Running can help people get in shape and lose weight but it is also an activity that can be taken up for purely recreational purposes. If one finds that they are having trouble physically with running then a foot doctor at a podiatry office should be consulted.

Running can be draining so one must be sure to get enough rest beforehand. Eight hours of sleep before vigorous activity is strongly recommended. If one plans on running great distances like a marathon or half marathon then they should probably get even more rest. A proper diet is also important for a runner. Healthy foods are better for one’s body especially when it is being exercised. Meat, fish, and vegetables are all acceptable choices when cooked in a healthy manner using a light olive oil or lemon juice for flavor. Fried foods are unhealthy and can cause arteries to clog which can sometimes result in a heart attack.

Hydration is probably the single most important part of running. People lose a lot of their body’s water through sweating when they are running. It is important to drink lots of water before, during, and after running so that one can replenish their body’s water supply. If one does not drink enough water when running or exercising, then they could become dehydrated. One can tell if they are dehydrated if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, shivering, shaking, black spots in their vision, intense nausea, or fainting. If any of these symptoms occur, then one should stop running, find water, and proceed to the hospital if the symptoms persist.

Stretching before running is very important for the muscles. If one does not stretch, then they can pull a muscle or even collapse mid-run. This is bad for the body in general because stretching lets your body knows that it is getting ready for strenuous activity and it is a way of preparing one’s body for the task ahead.

After stretching one can start off with a slight jog. When done right, jogging can begin to quicken the heart rate which helps to slowly ease the body into running. One should jog for approximately one fifth of the time that they plan to run. Any less time spent jogging could cause the body to prematurely dehydrate while any more is just a waste of energy and time.

After jogging, one can begin to run. It is important to keep one’s arms cocked at a right angle, making the elbow the corner. This should be done so that one can effectively swing their arms forward and then backwards again, an action that causes momentum. While running, it is important to place one foot steadily in front of the next so that one does not fall over. One should also find a rhythm in their breathing. This will help people to not be too out of breath when they finish running.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter has been researching Manhattan podiatry specialists for an article he is writing about the subject. He scheduled an appointment with a Manhattan foot doctor to treat his bunions.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Manhattan podiatry,Manhattan foot doctor

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