The Rise Of China Caution The Face Of Global Affairs

Shown a rising China contradiction here with Chinese officials in a meeting to be reflected. On the one hand, China hopes to play a greater role in global affairs, on the other hand it not act positive and stage fright.

At the meeting, a senior Chinese official said, such as North Korea and currency adjustments and other major issues, “China needs to show more like a participant rather than observer.” “When we stood on the stage, we should not back the audience, as if we were as a member of the audience.”

However, on Friday at the European and American visitors have attended the meeting, when it comes to a solution, the Chinese adopted a cautious attitude. Officials also believe that North Korea and the global economic imbalances is a big problem. But their focus is to discuss the proposed not to take action, briefly, is the harmony seems to be the purpose of the talks itself.

The meeting was an unusual effort, the purpose is to explore common interests and potential areas for common action. Conference organizers are the Central Party School. Other organizers have Aspen Strategy Group and the Aspen Institute Italy.

Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, now a professor at Harvard, Aspen Strategy Group Leader Nicholas Burns, said: “The current situation is not what we talk past each other, but we seem to have taken the ability to act together”, although the two sides has a “striking common interests.” He pointed out that the Korean issue, China has the greatest influence, but it “seems unwilling to use it”, and not ready to “accept” as a security partner in the “test.”

Several Chinese officials attending the meeting explained that the reason for China to adopt a cautious foreign policy approach, in part because officials focus is to maintain domestic economic growth, potentially restive public that is satisfied.

A senior official said: “I’m not saying China’s selfish.” He then admitted that Beijing is indeed the first to consider the internal problem. To North Korea, for example, China fears will lead to pressure on Pyongyang, desperate refugees pour into China.

The dialogue had a few signs of action. Party beginning of a professor to revalue its currency against the U.S. request. But after more discussion, the professor said, perhaps China can improve the income level, so that workers can buy more U.S. goods, so as to achieve the purpose of narrowing the trade surplus. He even proposed to set up a “coordination mechanism” to promote trade balance.

U.S. officials were frustrated, sometimes, to China, to adapt to the powerful United States, as it has experienced over the past few decades, as, with the dominant position than the decline in the U.S. as partners, but also it felt comfortable. Accused China of a U.S. representative who will give Obama as the first sign of weakness, and China issued a new condemnation of the aggressive declaration that the South China Sea is China’s “core interests.”

Members of the United States, Harvard University professor Joseph Nye, said Chinese officials here privately tried to dispel the concerns of the United States, they said, the speech of the Chinese South China Sea “misunderstanding.”

“We are in the same boat” is the Chinese and Americans here have said the same sentence. It sounds encouraging. But recently the boat, if not completely sunk, at least in the drift, the two sides make concerted efforts need to start rowing boats sailing by.

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