What to Eat to Increase Weight

As I have written in my earlier articles about increasing weight, the easiest and healthiest way for skinny people to gain weight is to increase muscle mass. Gaining muscle instead of fat not only makes you stronger and healthier, you will also look and feel better without the dangers of accumulating too much body fat.

So you have taken that advice and have been going to the gym to lift weights to increase your muscle mass. That is a good first step. Well done. Now the next thing you can do to accelerate your weight gain is to eat the right kind of foods that can help you to gain more mass and weight.

You are probably aware that protein is very essential for building lean muscle mass and of course the easiest way to get your protein is from commercially produced protein powders. However, you should not just rely on these powders for your protein source.

There are many excellent ways you can get your lean protein from such as in chicken breast, eggs, liver, fish, lean beef, cheese, low fat milk, nuts, beans and various grains. You should eat some type of lean protein every 2 to 3 hours and consume a total of about 1 gram of protein per each pound of your body weight everyday day.

The idea is to keep your body consistently in an anabolic state to promote tissue growth and to maintain a positive balance of nitrogen. Foods rich in protein are rich in amino acids, which in turn are rich in nitrogen. Your body will then assimilate the amino acids and selects the ones it needs to build new muscle tissues and when you eat frequently, you are constantly giving your body more protein to increase muscle mass.

Your diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, low fat milk, cheese and whole grains so that you will have a well balanced nutritional diet that will maximize your muscle growth. This is where you will get all the nutritional values of good vitamins and minerals. If you are more matured in age and your body absorption of food is not at its optimum, then you may also want to supplement your diet with a dose of daily multi-vitamin supplements.

Another supplement which you may wish to consider is testosterone enhancement supplements. Unlike steroids, these are legal and are usually made from herbs to help your body to produce more testosterone naturally. This hormone is essential for muscle building by synthesizing proteins to rebuild the muscle fibers damaged by weight training.

There is one thing you should look out for though. That is to avoid “empty” or “bad” calories like refined sugars, processed or high glycemic carbohydrates such as those found in sodas, sugar laced drinks, alcohol, white breads, pastries, confectioneries and carbs which are easily digestible. These foods will cause a spike in your blood insulin level which will quickly crash your metabolism making you sluggish and retaining body fat.

So if you train with weights consistently and eat high protein but balanced meals with good supplements, you should be able to see the weighing scale increasing its numbers week after week.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a sought after fitness consultant. If you want to increase weight fast, then read Weight gain supplement and How to build muscle mass

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: gain weight, increase weight, muscle weight, protein, testosterone

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