Writer’s Block: Don’t Deal With It, Avoid It

Why does writer’s block always interrupt us especially when we are on a very important writing task with a given deadline?

Every writer encounters this kind of a condition but there are those who manage to make it. Sad to say, there are those who eventually quit after experiencing writer’s block.

This is not something that you should be afraid of. But many novice writers started to quit on writing when they experience a writer’s block. Truth is, you can avoid it if you really want to and for you to get a hold of your mind while writing.

Imagine how other writers manage to write more contents in just a day. Imagine how they have been so productive in their writing. Therefore, you too can do it. There just some ways on what to do to avoid writer’s block.

There will be no problem if you are aware of it. When writer’s block comes around, it is a serious problem. You sit, try your best and the words just won’t come out.

This would be fine if you didn’t have pressing matters on your plate. If you do, you will have to scramble and do your best with what you have got.

Getting out of this creative funk is difficult. In fact, the best way to defeat it is to actually just keep it from happening in the first place. How do you do that?

1. Keep regular work hours. Have a set, regular time for your work. It doesn’t have to be 8 to 5, like the rest of the world. If you only want to work three hours a day, then schedule that. If you like working at night, better than the day, then pencil in your regular schedule when the sun is out. What’s important is to keep regular working hours. We are creatures of habit and the more you accustom yourself to working a certain time, the better the likelihood of accomplishing it.

2. Plan your work smartly. Plan for a reasonable amount of work. Just because you can finish a 500-word piece in one hour on a good day, it doesn’t mean you’ll finish every 500-word piece in one hour every day. If you plan your work such that variance (e.g. say, you finish one 500-word piece in two hours, instead of one) can mess up your schedule, you’ll find yourself pressured and overburdened. Use every writing software tool at your disposal to hasten your work, but always leave allowance for contingencies.

3. Work reasonable hours. Setting a schedule to work six days a week, twelve hours a day might sound like a good way to get a lot done on paper. In truth, overworking yourself like that is only likely to set you up for failure. If you think you can work more hours than everybody else, then build up incrementally. For instance, start with six-hour, six-day workweeks and gradually add an hour every two weeks until you find your actual tipping point.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: writer\\\’s block, writing gears

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