10 Features of a Successful Hotel PMS

There are certain features that you should look for when you are looking at hotel PMS systems. All of the features will allow you to run certain parts of your business more effectively than before. While there are many features that you should know about there are 10 key features that can make up a successful hotel PMS.

The reservation process

The first feature you need to look at is the reservation feature. This needs to be as easy as possible so your guests do not have to spend a lot of time just reserving their rooms. This feature is normally in most hotel management software. Of course some of the software packages will have a more flexible reservation process which can allow you to cross reference with other hotels in your chain.

Revenue management

Revenue management is something that you will get in many hotel property management systems. This feature will allow you to control the rates you charge and provide detailed reports for yourself and your guests. You will also be able to control the number of nights people can stay on certain rate plans.

Front desk work

The front desk is where a number of processes happen and it is good to have a hotel PMS that covers all of these. This feature should allow you to do check ins and outs of guests with reservations as well as those that simply walk in. This feature also needs to allow you to manage messages for your guests as well as wake up calls.

Back office work

Back office work will include things like calculating revenue, statistics and ledger information. Once this has been done this feature will also allow you to export all the information to an Excel spreadsheet in csv format. You can also link this feature to your accounting system.

Room management

There are many things you have to manage regarding your hotel’s rooms. This feature helps you manage availability, housekeeping and maintenance. It will also help you assign rooms much easier than doing it manually.


The billing feature of the property management software is very important as it can save you a lot of time and effort. Billing should be able to calculate and make adjustments to advanced deposits, charges and taxes. It will also need to be able to accept more than one type of payment.

Commission processing

Many people pay commission to travel agents and other people. Having a feature that will work out amounts and process payments for you is ideal for any business. This will save you time and make sure that everyone is paid the correct amounts.

Creating reports

The ability to create reports is also a very good feature to have. The reports that are produced will often vary depending on the software you have. Some will have hundreds of reports available while others simply allow you to export reports to Excel.

Ability to configure

Being able to configure the software to suit your needs is also a very good feature to have. You should be able to assign permission to certain features so that you can control who does what on the system.

International features

There are features that allow you to configure your software so that it can be used in a number of countries. This means that it should be able to charge people in different currencies and be able to work in different languages.

There are many features you will need to look at when getting hotel property management software. There are many more than these 10 that you should look for but these are the ones that can make up a successful hotel PMS.

Author Bio: This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO Marketing consultant of 3r.ie, on behalf of Innovation PMS Hotel Software – low-cost hotel management software, with free trial available.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Hotel property management system, property management system, property management software,hotel pms

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