3 Great Marketing Strategies to Bring in More Leads to Your Insurance Business

One of the toughest parts of the insurance business is process of trying to generate new leads. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people only think about their insurance policies when it’s time to file a claim. And during the claims process, most people think about the industry in strictly negative terms. Who hasn’t heard someone say “if I make a claim my rates will go up”? It’s not much better when people are seeking a new carrier. They typically consider only three factors, which are price, price and price… oh and did I mention price? lol

So, in a market like this, how the heck do you generate new prospects and get people to understand that finding a great insurance policy requires more than a quick web search or a 15 minute chat with some untrained call center operator?

You may not be able to change the entire insurance market overnight, but you can put these three proven marketing strategies into action and expand your customer base. Do these three things effectively and more prospects will call your office, guaranteed.

1: Distribute Insurance White Paper – Present yourself as a different type of agent or broker. Create a white paper that challenges the misunderstandings and myths about finding a good insurance policy. Once developed, this proven marketing strategy has a long shelf life and is low maintenance. It is also easily shared among friends and contacts. Most importantly, it establishes your reputation and expertise.

2: Always Follow up with Email – Many people are labeled “bad leads” because of their agent’s lack of appropriate follow up. Get more from every single insurance lead by writing a series of emails that educate your prospects about the process of finding the right insurance policy for them. Ideally, you should follow up with emails immediately, and then after 30, 60, and even 180 days. Stick to informative and educational emails instead of strictly sounding like you are soley trying to get the sale. This way prospects will recognize you as an authority to be consulted for help with all their policies not just another agent trying to get into their wallets.

3: Aggressively Circulate your Articles – Writing industry related articles is definitely one of the easiest ways to attract attention to your agency and to demonstrate your expertise of the insurance field. Submitting articles to free sites is a form of free advertizing. Your name and byline on the articles will give you a big boost with the search engines, send direct traffic to your site, and identify you as a leading expert in the insurance industry. In order to see steady results from this form of marketing you should try and commit to writing at least 2-3 articles each week and you will be surprised how many new prospects contact you.

This balanced three prone marketing strategy consisting of: insurance white papers, email follow up, and article writing will help you to close more policies and therefore increasing your bank account!

Author Bio: At Top Pick Leads we know that Annuity Leads can be a tried and true staple of a successful insurance agent\’s business. They can lead to a lucrative source of income or they can be a costly drain on your budget. Which is why we have reviewed the major online Insurance leads providers. Visit our site now to find out who we chose as our TOP PICK providers.

Category: Business
Keywords: insurance business,great marketing strategies,good insurance policy,insurance agent tips,insurance a

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