3 Main Stages One Should Consider in Waste Water Treatment

Water is a very useful resource that human beings cannot to without. It is used in almost every function that one engages in either at home or during industry processing. At home it is used mainly to cook and wash which are two very important functions. This means that we cannot do without it thus we have to treasure the little we have. One way of ensuring that we do not waste it is by engaging in programs of waste water treatment. This means it will not just go to waste if we can clean it and reuse it. To achieve this, we have to follow some of these steps.

There are mainly three stages that it goes through before it is declared best for human consumption. The stages include primary, secondary and tertiary. On the other hand waste water is usually classified into two categories. These are grey and black water. Depending on the facilities available and the amount or category of waste present one can determine the type of treatment to use.

The forms of treatment can also be chosen depending on the purpose it will be used for later. The one that will be used for human consumption will definitely undergo a greater deal of purification than the one that will be used for other purposes.

The grey category refers to the one that does not contain any other substance that is harmful to the human body including human refuse. It is mainly drawn from the one that has been used for dish washing and laundry.

The black category on the other hand refers to the one that contains human refuse and other toxins hence it has to undergo extensive treatment before it is reused. There are three effective treatment options for the purification of this category. This starts by subjecting it to a pre purification process.

The primary stage involves the removal of any heavy solids. This is done by allowing it to settle down forming different layers of waste. This way the heavy refuse matter can settle at the bottom whereas the lighter materials will float to the top, for example if it contains any oil.

Secondary refuse elimination which is the second stage involves the removal of microbes in large volumes. This is the stage whereby filter beds are applied. The main role of these is to help in purification and oxidation of the end product.

The last stage can be referred to as the tertiary stage. This stage involves extensive purification allowing it to be released to areas that where the ecosystem is delicate. This allows it to be pumped back to the natural resources for re-supply.

Purification helps protect the environment. This is done by getting rid of any impurities or decaying matter which usually draws a lot of oxygen from the water. Presence of such matter leads to the suffocation of any living organisms present. The above steps in waste water treatment will help you learn how you can conserve the environment through purification.

Author Bio: Environmentally friendly advanced Wastewater treatment manufacturer provides residential, commercial and mobile septic systems. When doing research for Grease trap interceptors, consider Pinnacle Environmental Technologies INC.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: wastewater treatment, septic tanks, grease trap interceptors, grease interceptors

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