3 Popular Workouts MMA Fighters Should Avoid at All Costs

MMA is considered one of the hardest sports to train for, but not all popular workouts are sufficient for fighters. Anything from poor mechanics to serious injuries can occur from pointless workouts, and here are three that all MMA fighters should avoid at all costs.

3. Barbell Circuits

MMA legend Randy Couture has made his barbell exercises one of the most popular types of workouts online, however that doesn’t mean it is a serious MMA workout. Couture’s workout is basically a barbell circuit where you use the same weight for each exercise and you move nonstop for a period of time. Although it is considered an above average workout, it is not something you can base your MMA strength and conditioning program around. As an MMA fighter, you will not develop the strength or power you need, because you’re only using light weights and you’re working in a circuit. Although circuits are good workouts, they need to have a reasoning behind them, and using light weights is not what a serious workout should be centered around. What you will develop is some anaerobic endurance and grip strength, but that does very little. This is just something you need to eliminate and replace with a more effective exercise.

2. Dips

Although dips are considered one of the most popular workouts in and out of MMA, I believe this exercise is better off left out of your workout routine. Dips can be executed in many different ways and regardless of how you do this exercise, if it’s done incorrectly(and sometimes correctly) you can face injuries in your shoulders, rotator cuffs, and sternum. Any MMA fighter does not want to be sidelined with an injury, and like I mentioned above, even if you do dips correctly, sometimes your body may not be capable of doing this particular exercise causing an injury of some sort. Dips are very risky and can be easily replaced with skull crushers, pushups, pullovers, and other types of chest and shoulder exercises. The replacement exercises are just as sufficient as dips, and much easier on your body.

1. Punching with Resistance Bands

Punching with resistance bands is by far the worse MMA workout possible. When you are throwing punches, you want your arm to be relaxed as opposed to being tight. In other words, you want to be pushing instead of punching. You also want full extension of your arms and once you’ve achieved this, you want to be able to pull your arms back as fast as possible so you can defend yourself and throw another punch quickly if needed. But when your punching with resistance bands your arms become tense making your arms less relaxed to throw a punch. You also tend to limit your range of motion when you are punching instead of getting full extension, plus the bands pull your arms back on their own without your body’s control which results in poor defensive mechanics and poor combo punching ability. On top of all of the poor mechanics this can cause, it can also result in hyperextension of your arm that can result in serious injury. This workout needs to be left off your routine at all cost.

As you can see just because it is popular doesn’t always mean it’s efficient for your training. Make sure to always do your research before jumping into a routine. Remember, efficiency and healthiness makes the difference between an amateur and a professional.

Author Bio: Teagen James is an avid participant, writer, and fan of MMA. He is also the owner and operator of CheapFightGear.com which is an online store and blog which is a great resource for anyone looking to get up to the minute MMA news or to purchase quality and affordable MMA Clothing, MMA Training Gear and Fight Wear.

Category: Sports
Keywords: mma fighters,mma workout,resistance bands,popular workouts

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