4 Goal Setting Tips to Make This Year the Best

1. Nix the New Year’s resolutions

It’s a great thing to set goals for the next 365 days. I follow this practice myself. Don’t make the common mistake of making a New Year’s resolution though. Take some time and write out list of everything that you want to accomplish in the next year and then make a plan from there. Setting up New Year’s resolutions is setting up for failure. Setting goals is the only way to guarantee success.

2. Set personal goals

Set only the goals that you wish to achieve for you. Don’t set goals for the main purpose of impressing someone you know or gaining the attention of your peers. Also refrain from setting a goal because someone told you that it’s what they think is the best thing for you. Only you know what the absolute best for you is so set your goals accordingly.

3. Set goals that challenge you

Set goals that make you work a little harder than usual. Setting big goals will help you to live up to your true potential. Keep in mind the point that you only get out of life what you ask from it, so set goals that are well beyond your comfort zone. If you set tiny goals then you will get tiny results so make like Trump and think BIG.

4. Tell your loved ones about your goals

This is one idea has its pros and cons and I can see both sides of the argument.

Do you tell your goals to others or keep them to yourself? If you look on the plus side, telling your goals to somebody you trust will help to hold you accountable. You don’t want to embarrass yourself if you don’t back up what you say you are going to do, right? Anytime you talk the talk then you need to be sure that you can walk the walk.

Telling your goals to your close friends and family can also benefit you in times of need. They can provide you with encouragement when you are down and out. Your loved ones will be there to support you because they understand how important your goal is and will be sure to help you to achieve it.

Let’s say that you set a goal to lose 50lbs in the next 12 months. If you inform your friends and family you will definitely have their support. This way, they won’t be calling you every week and asking you to go out for beer and wings. This makes obvious sense, doesn’t it?

So there you have it. Four tips on setting goals to make this year the best. Make your goals personal, tell your loved ones about them, make them challenging and don’t fall into the habit of waiting until the New Year to make a resolution. Setting goals is a powerful practice that will take you to the highest level in your field and in life. Set your goals and make this year the best!

Author Bio: To learn more about the best goal setting tips for success, stop by the Official Personal Development Blog of Anthony Basich and grab your 2 free reports!

Category: Self Help

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