A Healthier You – 7 Tips To Healthier Eating

Do you want to embark into a healthier lifestyle? A perfect place to start is with building sound and long-lasting healthy eating habits. At one point or another, while growing up or as an adult, most of us are told to eat healthier. Eating healthier can be defined as eating a variety of well-balanced foods in moderation. It is important to emphasize well-balanced. Eating or drinking too much of anything is not going to provide you with optimal nutritional benefits. The following SEVEN TIPS can jump start your healthier eating lifestyle.

1) Do not set yourself up for failure when you go on a diet.

The reason most people fail at dieting is because they set unrealistic goals for weight loss. Although it is possible to lose 10 pounds or more in a week, it is unrealistic to attempt to lose weight at this rate. A more reasonable attainable weekly rate of weight loss would be one to three pounds maximum. However, even with this rate, there are many underlying factors to be considered, such as the amounts and types of foods you consume daily. It is recommended to seek professional assistance when it comes to setting and obtaining realistic weekly, monthly and yearly weight loss goals by using a combination of healthier well-balanced food choices and exercises.
2) Watch how much you eat, when you eat it, and how you eat it.

How much food and how many calories should I be eating? This is a question on a lot of people’s minds. The answer is simpler than you think. Sitting down to eat should not be just that. It is highly recommended to “eat smart”, which means knowing how much food your body needs to be able to sustain itself for some time and take in this amount of calories. You should also think about when you are eating throughout the day. Consuming six smaller meals throughout the day is better than eating two or three larger meals. Eating your last meal before 7 p.m. is better than eating it at 8 p.m. Another factor to keep in mind is how quickly you are eating. Did you know that you can help the process of digestion by slowing down your meal’s time and chewing every bite thoroughly? Doing this will assist your digestive system in breaking down the food and allow for faster absorption of the nutrients where they are needed.

IMPORTANT HINT: Do not gobble down a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs in five minutes when you get home at 11 p.m. and go to bed right after.

3) Distribute your daily consumption of calories appropriately.

Your percentage of fats, carbohydrates and proteins should be somewhere in the lines of this: Fats –no more than 20%; Proteins -about 25%; and Carbohydrates -around 55%. These percentages are consistant with a moderate diet. Obviously, the more active you are, the more you can take in, but you should try to keep these percentages or ones that are close in mind. There are tons of diet plans which will drastically change these percentages. However, it is not recommended to make these changes without consulting a professional. Radically changing these percentages can lead to medical complications.

4) SUGAR is your enemy.

Excessive use of sugars can lead to a large variety of unwanted health issues. Included in the large list of complications, you will find cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. Do yourself a favor -Limit the amount of sugars you eat. Be reminded that a very bad form of sugar is high fructose corn syrup, try limiting or eliminating consumption.

IMPORTANT HINT: Most things you eat today contain sugars, so don’t worry much about being sugar deficient, unless diagnosed by a medical professional.

5) Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are a MUST.

Simply put, you need fiber in your body. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are known to be the best source of fiber. The benefits of fiber make it a necessity. From relieving constipation to lowering the risk of major health issues, such as, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, the benefits of fiber are endless. Fiber plays a major role in your digestion, so do not forget to consume enough of it.

6) Modify your recipes to suit your new eating lifestyle.

Have you ever eaten a meal that you prepared and afterwards said,”That was not healthy!” With the power of the internet, you can access information about how to substitute the unhealthy “bad” ingredients with better, healthier alternatives in your favorite meals. Unfortunately, some meals have little or no substitutes that will make it worthwhile to consume. In these cases, opt for healthier meal choices.

7) Don\’t forget about WATER.

You need to drink water to keep your body hydrated. Depriving your body of fluids can lead to major complications. Water is essential for your body to keep on functioning properly. Consumption of water can lead to weight loss, too. The benefits of water are endless, so make sure you drink a lot of it. Your goal should be working towards consuming up to 64 oz. of water daily.

In conclusion, you need to remember that healthy eating is not about following unrealistic diet regimens. It is about eating nutritional meals you like, getting more energy from them and feeding your body to stay healthy. Your healthy eating habits can minimize your risk of developing illnesses such as some cancers, heart disease, diabetes and defend against depression. Start eating healthier today! If you need assistance, consult a nutritionist, dietician or your physician.

Author Bio: Angel Redondo has been involved in the fitness field for over 20 years and has helped hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds and inches. You can find out more at http://www.artandfitness.wegotfitness.com

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: diet, healthy foods, dieting, loosing weight, eating habits, healthier eating habits,

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