Are You Afraid of Approaching Beautiful Women?
Most men have no problem approaching other men to start a conversation or to make new friends. This situation takes a complete reversal when it comes to approaching beautiful women. Is this discrimination or what? Why are guys so afraid of pretty girls?
We all know the answer deep down inside, don\’t we? It is the fear of rejection at work that is holding men back. The funny and weird thing is that many of the reasons for the fear are completely irrational.
Do you know something? The truth of the matter is that there are quite a number of misconceptions men have about what women find attractive in men and how women view men who approach them out of the blue. These misconceptions about women are what are holding the guys back. Therefore if you believe in these fibs like what most other men do, then you are not going to have much success with beautiful women.
In this article we will explore three of the most common irrational fears men have about beautiful women:-
Beautiful women are only interested in handsome men – This is perhaps the biggest of all misconceptions men have about women. While most girls when asked will say that they want good looking guys as their boyfriends, it is not the full picture.
If girls only want to go out with handsome men, then why are there so many average looking guys dating pretty girls? I\’ll bet that you must have seen ugly men dating beautiful women, haven\’t we?
Well, to a certain extent, good looks do score some points, but not much though. The reason is because women typically like men with alpha male traits like self confidence, sense of humor and great character. Unlike men, girls regard looking good as lesser importance when compared to good personality and confidence. If you are interesting and exciting to be with, she will fall for you.
Beautiful women are difficult handle – This myth is that is linked to the first one. Most men erroneously think that beautiful women will only be interested in handsome men and thus the average guys don\’t stand a chance at all.
To compound the issue, most men don\’t know how to handle a beautiful woman. When a man sees a beautiful woman, he will predictably do only two things. The first thing is that he will be afraid to approach and talk to her or even if he does, he will give the woman a higher status than himself by showing attraction and agreeing politely with everything she says. Unknown to him, by doing this he is boring her to death.
When in this situation, men should act as an equal or of even higher status than the woman. The reason for this is because all beautiful women are used to being given higher status by wussy men and so if you behave as her equal or of higher status, she will admire your confidence and confidence is a very attractive male attribute as far as women are concerned.
Beautiful girls will not be interested in me – Many men have this fatalistic opinion about themselves. Some guys can even cough up absurd excuses like beautiful women will only date the rich and famous. What baloney! If you entertain this absurdity, then you can bid bye bye to ever date beautiful women.
In all reality, your success with beautiful girls is to learn the right way to create sexual attraction towards you. It is not how rich, handsome or famous you are. It is how you can make beautiful women feel attraction towards you and these skills can be learnt. Once you have mastered the skill of seduction, then that will be the time you can approach any beautiful woman and score most of the time!
Author Bio: Chris Chew is a relationship and health consultant. If you want to improve on your skills at approaching beautiful women, then read How attract beautiful women and if you think that being good looking is important, then read How to be more handsome.
Category: Dating
Keywords: good looking, attractive, approach beautiful women, pretty girls