Be Prepared to Suffer the Consequences of Driving Under Alcohol Or Drugs

The consequences of driving under alcohol or drugs are heavy in the United States of America. If you live here and drive a vehicle, you should be aware of what you will face if you are arrested for this charge. If you have been committed this offence in the past, you will be surprised at how much tougher the law has got since then.

The penalties may vary from state to state, but all fifty states have implemented harsh crackdown laws on drunk drivers by imposing severe consequences and increasing penalties. You may be innocent until proved guilty, but if your blood test or breath test shows an alcohol content of . 08 or more, you will be convicted. Even if you are not slurring, staggering, or appear to be intoxicated in any way, you will be arrested.

Once convicted in a court, you will have to pay a fine plus all the court costs, and your license will be revoked for a set period. Some states have laws that mandate imprisonment, even for first-time offenders. You will be placed on probation and instructed to do some form of community service.

Having your license revoked, paying the fine and the fees is just the start of a long road ahead if you want to regain the privilege to drive. With a drunk driver conviction on your record, you can’t just get your license back after the revocation period has expired. You have to earn it back the hard way. This could involve enrolling at a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) school and learning how to drive defensively.

A DUI school gives in-depth insight about the dangers of alcohol. The students are often taken to see victims of DUI accidents at hospitals. They may also be required to address young people on the dangers of drinking and driving. Just because these schools are run by government does not mean they are free of charge and, in many cases, the offender has to pay.

The attitude you display during this phase, plus your level of performance and commitment, will be closely monitored. Prior to joining the school, a counselor will meet with you and ask many questions. This is an evaluation to establish whether you have a drug or drinking problem. If there is suspicion that you are addicted, the state will order you to have professional treatment before allowing you to get behind a steering wheel.

Your job could be seriously affected by a drunk driving conviction. If you are required to drive regularly in your line of work, or work in a job that calls for security or bonding clearances, you may find yourself unemployed. Now, more than ever, DUI is considered to be a grave offense and, over the past 10 years, the repercussions have dramatically increased.

Another of the consequences of driving under alcohol or drugs is increased car insurance. As a convicted driver, if you are ever allowed to drive again, some states will make you pay SR22 insurance before being able to drive. The cost of this is double or triple the normal cost of normal auto insurance cover.

About the author, Hire DUI Lawyers or Impaired Driving Lawyers, keep a clean criminal record.

Author Bio: Hire DUI Lawyers or Impaired Driving Lawyers, keep a clean criminal record.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: impaired, driving, record, fine, crime, alcohol, drugs

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