Client Testimonials Can Add Good Content to Your Site
The importance of client testimonials
One of the elements you must pay close attention to when you make a website, especially if you\’re trying to build a solid reputation quickly, is the client testimonials section. Even though it is extremely important for a website\’s image, this section frequently does not receive the attention it deserves. This is partly due to the fact that it requires a bit of work before it comes out right and partly because its importance is often underestimated.
In general, people have a tendency to follow what others are following, this especially being true when it comes to the professional side of things. Companies that have built renown and enjoy a lot of clients have an almost fascinating power of attraction over new customers, who regard them as dependable and reliable and, nine times out of ten, choose them over a less popular alternative. If you manage to gather a couple of testimonies on your website, then your credibility will get a significant boost. In turn, this will almost invariably lead to more customers.
A special section on your business website dedicated to client testimonials is perfect for strengthening your image in the eyes of your visitors. It makes you more believable, and it gives assurances that you\’re serious and dedicated to your cause.
The advantages of client testimonials
Client testimonials can do wonders for your image, sometimes even more than well-placed banners or contextual advertisements. Here is what they can pull off:
– Showcase the experience and expertise you possess – People are far more likely to believe what others have to say about you than what you\’re trying to get across yourself. Self-praise is often harming, but praise that comes from others is universally beneficial.
– Consolidate your position against your rivals – If a potential client has trouble deciding between you and one or more of your competitors, then testimonials can hang the balance in your favor.
– Dismiss the doubts people tend to have when you\’re rather new in the business – When you haven\’t been around for long, it is really tough to secure customers; they all prefer to use the services of a more renowned rival, even if he\’s more expensive. When you make a website, add testimonials because they reassure people that you\’re safe and reliable.
– Create strong bonds with regular clients – Asking people who frequently do business with you their impressions on your abilities not only demonstrates that you care about what they think, but most of the time also strengthens the relationship you have with them. Once you\’ve asked them, they will be far more considerate towards you, and are likely to stick around in the long run.
– Highlight your skills – No matter what you\’re providing or trying to get across, client testimonials have the power to present your skills in a positive light.
How to deal with client testimonials
While testimonials have many advantages, they can also have negative effects on your website\’s image if you do not deal with them properly. The type of website you have doesn\’t matter – it can be an ecommerce website or a personal blog. If you do not take testimonials seriously, you can damage your reputation irreparably.
A few suggestions you should keep in mind:
– Avoid fake testimonials. Your visitors are not fools; they are so used to fake testimonials that they can recognize one immediately. Because people really appreciate openness and honesty, you can do yourself more good with a genuine testimonial that combines praise with critique than with a fake one that is full of superlatives.
– Do not bother clients with requests for testimonials. Ask only customers you think are satisfied, and do it immediately after your business is done. Do it by sending them an e-mail that discreetly alludes to the advantages they will reap from this: a link to their site and a short description of their company.
– Make testimonials credible by inserting photos, videos, and details of the person giving them.
– Keep them short and concise. A quote is often enough. Ask your clients for their impressions and, after having their agreement, extract a line or two that sums it all up.
– Consider well their placement on the website. If they are not visible, then you\’ll not gain anything; but if they stand out too much, they can annoy visitors. Place them in a category of their own that is accessible, but that doesn\’t bother visitors in any way.
Client testimonials should be one of the elements you take into account when you make a website because they can consolidate your reputation and enhance your image.
Author Bio: Maria Wixman Free website builder by I have been in the online marketing industry for over two years and love all things related to e-marketing, writing for the web, SEO and SEM. I\’ve been working for a large company that specializes in web design, and love how dynamic this field is.
Category: Internet
Keywords: business website,free website,free business website,free website builder,create a website,photograph