Extra Motivation For Your Employees

So, you finally got your own business going and for a while things were going great, but lately things have begun to slow down. You still have plenty of work despite the failing economy, all the same employees the only difference is the employees are not producing as much work as before and the quality seems to be just shy of what you would like. If that\’s the case at your company, perhaps your employees need some motivation.

There\’s nothing wrong with giving your employees a pep talk from time to time. It\’s really good for business, but there are some things that you can do to really motivate your employees and to help keep your business running in tip top condition. After reading this article you should have enough information to jump start your business from the inside out by implementing the right employee incentive programs .

Incentive pay
Incentive pay to employees who produce a higher quantity of work without sacrificing quality to do so motivates them to continue. Think about it like this; if your employees are producing more quality work, then you will make more money. So why not pay each employee a small percentage of that increase as incentive pay or a bonus from time to time. You will be the winner, any way you look at it.

Everyone knows that times are hard for us all, but getting a raise during hard times means more to an employee that getting a raise during the good times. You will get a more motivated end a more loyal employee for your effort.

Have some fun
Have a party for your employees, just to let them that they are appreciated. There is no greater motivational tool than gratitude. People like to know that they are appreciated and that they are noticed for what they do.

Give away a parking space
In every business there is one person who works extra hard at everything that they do. They are always on time for work and willing to work late whenever you ask or fill in for someone who is absent when you need someone they are there for you. Show your appreciation by reserving a good parking space for an employee of the month. Once again you will end up the hero for doing something that you should do anyway, simply noticing someone’s special effort.

Brighten up the place
You will be totally amazed at the difference a little spring cleaning can make. All too often we get so used to our surroundings that we don\’t even notice a little smudge here and there or windows that need cleaning, but things like that can make a major difference in how a person feels. So, spruce up the place and your employees moods too. You could even bring in some live plants to create a brighter atmosphere in the work place.

Do these things, even some of them and soon you\’ll be seeing a difference in you as well as your employees’ moods and attitudes.

Author Bio: Christine enjoys writing about a variety of business topics. For more information about employee incentive programs, visit Motivo Performance.

Category: Business Management
Keywords: recognition systems, incentive programs, employee rewards, reward programs, workplace recognition

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