Getting Pregnant and Vasectomy Reversal: Success Rate and Relationship

Most people perceived vasectomy as an end to fatherhood because it is a permanent form of contraception. People believed that it is impossible to impregnate a woman again after vasectomy. Generally, the male human body does not stop in producing sperm after vasectomy. Although the vas deferens tubes were severed during the vasectomy, the body continues to produce sperm but does not allow the sperm to go out of the man’s body during ejaculation. This means that men are still capable of impregnating a woman even after taking the vasectomy contraception procedure. It is only a matter of reconnecting the vas deferens tubes to create a passageway for the semen to transport the sperm.

Severing the ends of the vas deferens tubes during vasectomy produces one benefit and two risks. The benefit is clear. You do not have the capability to impregnate a woman when the doctor clamps and cuts your tubes. The risks are developing scar tissues or blockage and anti sperm antibodies in time. The sperm accumulates in your vas deferens tubes because it does not have any way to get out of the body during ejaculation. This accumulation of sperm builds up pressure and would likely blow up in time creating blockages and scar tissues. You will soon develop anti sperm antibodies years after the vasectomy procedure.

Reversal vasectomy reverses the process of the vasectomy procedure. This means reconnecting the tubes of the vas deferens again to create a passageway for the semen to carry the sperm to the urogenital opening of the woman during ejaculation. In about 8 months to 1 year, you should be able to restore the health of your sperm. This means restoring sufficient sperm presence or volume in your semen. However, restoring the health of your sperm depends on 3 major factors namely the time, your age, and the skill of the micro surgeon.

The semen would then carry the sperm from the testes to the prostate glands. The sperm stays and is ready to go out during ejaculation at the prostate. The sperm would then enter the urogenital opening of the woman during orgasm. As previously mentioned, the factors of time and age greatly affect your probability to impregnate a woman. If recanalization occurs years after the vasectomy surgery then it would be difficult to restore motility and health of your sperm.

Possible Pregnancy Issues after Vasectomy Reversal

This reversal of vasectomy fertility option never guarantees 100% pregnancy. As mentioned before, there are other factors affecting your success rate. These factors are critical in restoring sperm health and volume. Although the reversal vasectomy could undo the vasectomy process, the other factors especially time and age play very important roles in raising your probability for success to impregnate a woman.

The success rate for vasectomy reversal is high and very impressive. This is because technology makes it possible for the micro surgeon to suture back your tubes completely using a high-powered microscope. This means that the semen would be able to transport your sperm using the reconnected tubes as a passageway without any leaking associated problems. This conserves the volume of your sperm and contributes to the success rate of your procedure. Technology combined with skill increases the success rate of your vasectomy reversal procedure.

The cost of the procedure is a fair enough price considering the skill and technology that you receive. In the United States, the estimated cost for vasectomy reversal is about $10,000. In Canada, the estimated cost for vasectomy reversal is about $5,000. Consider your options carefully through research and many interviews.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal Articles blog.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility, men\\\’s health

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