Go For No! DVD By Richard Fenton And Andrea Waltz

Go For No DVD is a documentary that was created by Andrea Waltz, and by Richard Fenton. These two decided to leave their high profile corporate positions, and to begin a publishing house/motivational speaking company. They want to teach others to say \”no\” to convention, and to start living a life on their terms, and to gain a vision for their own lives. As such, they took a road trip and the subject was the power of the word \”no\”. They did interviews with many leaders and associates that they knew. They learned how the word \”no\” figured into their lives, and how they used this word not as a source of shame, guilt, or rejection, but to motivate them further. The word \”no\” wasn\’t a roadblock for these people. They simply found a way to overcome the \”no\” word, until they got where they needed to be.

Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz in Go For No, want to challenge the movie participants to rethink the word \”no\”. It can be a positive, despite what people may have been taught. This word is so strong, it can bring about hateful, toxic feelings in those who hear it. Even a negative response can become a good response. For example, most people rebel against the word no. But sometime rebellion is just what is needed for justice, and for achievement. Many people will say \”no\” to us based upon their faulty or morally wrong believes. This is all the more reason as to why we have a personal obligation to ourselves to use that word as a motivation.

In Go For NO, people will learn how to embrace the word \”no\”, and how to use it to their advantage. The word \”no\” can be a powerful motivator. Many people have claimed to accomplish their goals and dreams, because they heard the word \”no\” so many times. After failures, setbacks, and with the doors closing in their face, they still persisted. Go For No will expand upon that. One of the messages of the movie, is that you can accomplish just about anything you wish to in life, if you are only willing to hear the word \”no\” enough. That message is very challenging to one\’s ego. But for the person who gets it, they will embrace this message.

When you buy Go For No, by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz, you will be surprised that such a powerful message comes at such a low price of $29.95. It has a 98 min. playtime, so it won\’t belabor you with its message. But when you become inspired at how the word \”no\” can actually work for you, you might not want to stop watching. How can resist a message that makes you feel excited, lifted up, and that shows you how normal people can make a decision that has not only changed the direction of their lives, but can also change yours? If you want to be like Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz, you can watch their DVD movie, Go For No, to experience a major change of direction for your life.

Author Bio: Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about Go For No! DVD by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz

Category: Business
Keywords: Go For No! DVD, Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz

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