Healthy Eating – How To Avoid Cheating This New Year

The Shape of Things to Come – Healthy eating without the cheating this New Year

So it’s a new year, but the same old you. You’ve been on a million diets and nothing seems to work. You try your best at first, staying faithful to those ghastly cottage cheeses, those expensive acai berry shakes and those endless celery sticks.

But sooner or later, you get the seven week itch. It doesn’t take much; a glimpse of a colleague’s chocolate muffin at lunch, the whiff of your other half’s bacon in the morning. And before you know it, you’ve fallen by the wayside, back to your old habits. What you need is a simple plan, an easy guide to keep you on the nutritional straight and narrow. And here it is.

Fight the fats

Fats don’t have to be our foe. In small amounts, they can be our friends. But just like that acquaintance that never knows when to leave; too much of a good thing is no good at all. Don’t cut fat out of your diet completely, just cut down and switch to the right types.

Cook using olive oil or rapeseed oil rather than vegetable fat or, heaven forbid, butter, speaking of which, change your choice of spread to margarine if you haven’t already. Choose a brand that tastes just as good as butter, and one that contains polyunsaturated fats, which have been associated with better heart health. You can also find these friendly fats in fish, nuts and spinach.

Protein power

Protein keeps us fighting fit, and that doesn’t just go for the bodybuilders among us. In fact, a good protein intake does more than keep our muscles going. Everyone knows that we humans are 60% water, but did you know that our second largest ingredient is protein?

Tuna, chicken and beans are all great sources of protein. Red meat is best avoided where possible, as it comes with a lot of saturated fats on the side. Protein is a building block to help our bodies repair damaged tissues and reap the benefits of exercise.

Five alive

When it comes to fruit and veg, you don’t need to be told that five is the magic number. Keep your intake nice and varied: a kiwi here, a kumquat there. Or maybe you prefer more conventional choices like strawberries or cucumbers. Whatever floats your boat, remember that different fruit and veg contain different vitamins, so if you can get a little bit of everything, you’ll score a full five out of five every time.

Of course, you could always be a really keen pupil and go further. Why not six, or seven a day? Five is a minimum, not a maximum.

The exercise factor

Now that you’ve cracked the healthy eating, it’s time to get to grips with fitness. Whether you’re an old pro deciding to ring the changes with a new personal trainer, or a keen novice vowing to get acquainted with the inside of your local gym, a fresh look at your fitness training combined with your new healthy eating plan is the springboard to a new you that will last well beyond January.

Author Bio: Contacts Glenn Tucker Esporta Health Club and Gym About the Author Esporta health club and Gym – Whether you are looking to get fit and lose weight in the gym, relax and unwind with your family, treat yourself to a Spa Day or meet and socialise with like minded people then Esporta have the facilities to match.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: healthy eating, dieat, fitness, personal trainer, gym, health club, healthy food

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