Homeo Cure For Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence can be treated in one or more of the following ways:

1. Behavioral techniques Bladder training People are taught to “hold on” for increasing amounts of time and to void at regular, scheduled intervals. This technique teaches patients to resist the urge to void and gradually expands the intervals between voiding.

2. Medication Urge incontinence may be treated by various types of drugs that work different ways to increase bladder capacity.

3. Surgery
a.Laparoscopic bladder neck suspension is one surgical alternative to treating urge incontinence. In this procedure, three incisions are made in the abdomen and sutures are used to reposition the bladder neck.
b.Another surgical procedure called Percutaneous Bladder-neck Stabilization (PBNS) is also recommended. In this procedure a tiny incision is made at the pubic hairline and screws and sutures are used to stabilize the bladder neck. Overflow incontinence may be treated with medications, such as pazosin, terazosin or doxazosin. Mixed incontinence: Same as Stress and Urge Incontinence treatment Functional or Environmental incontinence incontinence can be addressed by providing absorbent undergarments and accessible bedpans or toilets.

Homeopathic treatment:
1. causticum: Causticum is to be used in some form of urinary incontinence in which physical symptoms such as bedwetting or enuresis can occur especially during early stages of sleep in the night time. Other physical actions such as the act of coughing, ordinary acts such as laughing, moderate actions like walking, actions like sneezing bring about bouts of incontinence which can be very inconvenient and sudden in appearance. The weakening of the bladder is such that it may feel paralyzed and unresponsive. Other physical symptoms can include urination which dribbles out instead of coming in a flow the person consequently feels better of he or she urinates sitting down; The condition of the patient tends to rapidly worsen towards the hours of the evening, in the hours of the morning, around 3 to 4 a.m., The appearance of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Causticum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in an individual.

2. equisetum: Used in suffering from urinary incontinence, with symptoms including enuresis, or bed wetting behavior especially in children, such incontinence can come about in the young child because of habitual action and the bed wetting typically occurs during the first stage of sleep at night. The episodes of bedwetting exhibited by the child often occur when the child is dreaming of crowds or when the child has nightmares. This form of urinary incontinence can also affect people with weak bladders; it also tends to affect the elderly. The person affected with this form of urinary incontinence tends to be awakened several times in the nighttime because of an urgent need to urinate. Other physical symptoms that the person may experience may include a feeling of fullness and the presence of a persistent dull pain, urination does not bring any relief from these symptoms. The color of the urine is dark. The condition of the patient rapidly worsens when the person is moving about, when he or she is sitting down, when pressure is applied or the person is touched; the patient may also feel discomfort following urination.

3. pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is to be used in symptoms such as involuntary urination during the first stage of sleep at night, sudden urination can also occur when the person is sneezing, when he or she is coughing, when passing gas, laughing. This form of incontinence can also affect the person following an attack of measles, and in woman the condition can develop during pregnancy, after some sort of excitement such as nervous reactions to sudden and loud noises. Such a form of urinary incontinence can also result when the person has made it a habit of resisting the normal urge to urinate repeatedly over a long period of time, this form of urinary incontinence can also come The urine actually dribbles out even when the person is sitting or walking about. This form of incontinence in young girls brings out a sudden and inconvenient desire to urinate, thus adding to the discomfort of the person. Psychologically the patient can become very gentle and mild, and can display weepy moods. The person does not feel thirsty at all. The condition can rapidly worsen in a warm room, during cold weather, in the autumn and can improve if the person is exposed to the open air out of doors.

Author Bio: steven is associated with dermatology billing services and cardiology billing services and medical coding training

Category: Education
Keywords: dermatology, billing, services

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