Last Year China Appeared More Abnormal Climate

Extreme climate super terrorism

\”The next 20 years, the global climate will mutations, a global disaster could set before us, hundreds of thousands of people killed in natural disasters.

\”Asia and North America\’s annual average temperature drop reach 2.8 degrees Celsius, Nordic decline 3.3 degrees Celsius… by 2020, European coastal cities will be rising sea levels swamped, Britain will like Siberia as cold dry…\”

These \”prophecy\” from the pentagon to the United States in 2004 then President bush to submit a copy of the \”secret report\”, the report warns that: in the coming 20 years of global climate change on human posed a threat than terrorism.

The us dod research of Chinese climate

Report mentioned by 2010, China\’s weather condition: China southern areas in 2010 will happen before and after continuous full 10 years of droughts. China now \”NaLaoBeiHan\” rainfall distribution pattern, maybe we\’ll become \”north of drought and waterlogging south precipitation distribution type, Summer monsoon rainfall can bring to China, but also will cause negative effects, such as flood can make the soil erosion is more serious. Due to the reduce water vapor evaporative cooling effect, can cause a cold winter, the summer heat extension increases.

The report by the us defense department contributive $100,000, entrust GBN company completed. The starting point of the study is envisaged global climate change may cause the worst possibility, and puts forward corresponding solutions.

\”North south drought and waterlogging already obtained the conclusion

China southern happens continued for 10 years of droughts? China now of \”NaLaoBeiHan\” rainfall distribution pattern will become \”north drought and waterlogging south?

Through a lot of analysis, the China meteorological administration center LuoYong national climate researcher drawn from 1951 to 2000 our summer precipitation distribution. \”Can see, our country rainfall concentration areas in regularly changing, there exist 20 years period. The next 10 years DuoYuOu may be returned to the north, also is possible in around 2010 formed\” south north drought and waterlogging \’situation.\” LuoYong said.

Similarly, Beijing university physics institute of atmospheric sciences professor QianWeiHong early in the year before GBN report also obtained \”NaLaoBeiHan\” may become \”north drought and waterlogging south the conclusion of\”.

Experts suggest rise to national security

Aiming at the GBN report forecast Chinese scientists have three discussion. The expert thinks, although the report on global climate change predict extreme situation is almost impossible to happen, but among the Chinese part of prediction, are very enlightening significance and early warning of value, which reminded Chinese scientists will climate change research rise to national security height.

However, there are scientist pointed out: \”GBN report describes the scene is only extreme cases, may occur in some areas, but is not all global area, and the probability of an event\’s occurring is small.\”

China last year. Most abnormal climate

12, director of the national weather will hold in guangdong, the meeting \”issued by the China climate communique shows, 2010 for since the turn of the century in China most abnormal climate this year, annual rainfall, flood disasters occur alternately, high-temperature days 40-million extreme high temperature and rainfall event happen frequently, strength strong, the extent of the historical rare, meteorological disasters caused losses for since the turn of the century most.

\”China climate communique display by 2010, annual rainfall 681 millimeter, more than perennial slants for 11.1%, 1961, since the second annual fractional perennial partial more than rainstorm, annual average temperature is targeting high 0.7 degrees Celsius. Perennial Meteorological and secondary disasters caused by the direct economic losses of more than 500 billion yuan, belong to meteorological disasters in a year.

Climatic abnormal four reasons

A tropical Pacific occurs in the el nino and la Nina weather events conversion is abnormal. La fast occurrence and development of our country, summer and winter in 2010 climate and typhoon activity has produced important influence;

2 it is polar atmospheric circulation anomalies adjustment, makes the polar cold air continuously southward from the higher latitudes, strong influence in the countries and regions;

3 it is between June and August appear have meteorological since records of the strongest western Pacific subtropical high, led directly to our summer climate anomalies, main show is our country typhoon generated number scarce, and south China, jiangnan, jianhuai, northeast and northwest appear flood disasters; in eastern.

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