Remember, Remember, Remember

Never have so few, done so much damage to so many in such a short time.

The Obama crew has increased our debt by more than the debt of all forty-three administrations that preceded them combined.

A once proud, and unique country that defined itself on the basis of personal responsibility, the government’s right to govern coming from the people, equal opportunity for all but not equal outcomes and elected representatives voting to reflect the will of their constituencies is in the process of a transformation that would negate the very principles upon which this country was conceived and founded. The results of the November 2nd elections not withstanding, the left’s agenda has momentum which will take significant effort to reverse.

In one short yet painful 20 month period the Obama administration and the democratic leadership in congress has extended the reach of the federal government beyond every limit and boundary the Founding Fathers had put in place to insure American exceptionalism.

The government has taken over much of the auto industry, the financial industry, the insurance industry, and the college tuition financing industry and is giving sweetheart deals to the unions to insure election financial support for themselves. The leftist have sniffed the loco weed of socialism and are running amuck to overthrow the very founding principles that have made us a capitalistic, democratic republic that is second to none.

Challenge them and what to you get. Rhetoric that is unconstitutional and saturated with ‘share-the-wealth’ philosophy that is based in the Marxist idea of social justice. When asked where in the constitution they are given the right to do these things, they can’t answer or throw the constitution under the bus by saying “I am more concerned with helping people then in what the constitution says”. And there is no pang of conscience, no apparent remorse, so sadness about not honoring their oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. In fact they seem quite pleased with themselves. I guess this suggests that inside the D.C. beltway – A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

We lost a battle (health care) but the war will be ours if we stay focused, stay passionate and remain relentless in our pursuit to take back the country from the hands of socialist transformationalist.

The biggest risk we face is forgetting. We cannot let our memories wane, we cannot let the link between our passion and our memories diminish, even a little. The risk to our way of life lies in memories we have forgotten.

The word remember is powerful and we have a rich history of leveraging this word to keep the fires of passion burning and keeping us focused on our objective.
– Remember the Alamo
– Remember the Main
– Remember Pearl Harbor

We must all now embrace the power of “Remember” and call to all to Remember the Constitution as we 112the Congress begins.

Stay focused, stay vigilant and REMEMBER!

Author Bio: A marketing consultant was moved from a political couch potato to a patriotic activist by the actions of the Obama Regime and started a company to help American patriots go face-to-face with their politicians. check out and

Category: Advice

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