Signing up With Freedom Debt Relief

I have a friend who, by some unfortunate luck, had to enroll with a debt settlement program in order to get himself out of debt. His name is Miller. He is not a big spender nor is he careless with his credit cards. Circumstances brought him to his current state of financial troubles and he had to resort to seek help from professionals to help him work his way towards paying off his creditors. He was laid off from his job and had a difficult time finding another one. During all that, he still had mortgages to pay and bills to clear. The recent worldwide recession did not help his situation much either. But Miller was determined to do all he could to avoid having to file for bankruptcy. So, out of a job and way in over his head in debts, Miller decided to enlist with Freedom Debt Relief (FDR) for help.

Miller believed he made the right decision as the burden was slowly lifted off of his shoulders with the help of FDR. First off, he managed to put a stop to all the irritating and annoying phone calls from his creditors and debt collectors insisting that he should make the full payments immediately. They had been bothering him for quite some time prior to his signing up with FDR. Although Miller already sent a letter instructing them to cease all phone calls because he was already doing something to try to pay them back they still kept calling and calling. Only when FDR finally met up with them to negotiate and discuss the possibilities of a debt reduction and a repayment scheme did they finally stop bothering him day and night.

FDR also managed to negotiate for a reduction of Miller’s debts by up to 40%. He was relieved that he managed to get a “discount” on his debts and was required to pay only up to 60% of the total amount of his debts. If Miller had his way he probably would like for his debts to be cancelled altogether but he realized that it is not a perfect world. He was still grateful that his burden has been significantly reduced. In the midst of it all, Miller managed to find a job which more importantly allows him to follow the repayment scheme worked out between FDR and his creditors. His monthly payments were significantly reduced as well. This put his debt to income ratio at a low point. It took some time for FDR and Miller’s creditors to reach an amicable decision to suit his current financial situation but in the end FDR managed to negotiate a low monthly payment for him.

Miller also now has better management of his debts. Previously he had to keep track of several creditors but now he has to concentrate only on one single monthly payment. FDR acts as the intermediary who collects the money from Miller and distributes the payments to every single creditor on Miller’s list to the amount agreed in their negotiation process. As Miller now has only one single payment to make every month, he has better control of his finances and has learned to manage his money more efficiently. He is now more aware of his cash flow and avoids having to spend his money on unnecessary things. If he was frugal before he is even more frugal now.

Basically Miller managed to solve his debt issues by enrolling with the debt settlement plan of his choice. It took some effort on his part as well because he had to make some major changes in his life. However, he worked hard to make sure that all his debts are repaid in every way possible.

Author Bio: freedom debt relief

Category: Finances
Keywords: freedom debt relief

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