Video Email Marketing Success Tips

To best connect with potential clients and customers, it is important to communicate on a level they are both familiar and comfortable with – video email marketing. While traditional email marketing may be appropriate in many instances, this new form of marketing through email videos is intensifying. Internet videos are extremely popular, with the site YouTube having over 10 million views each month. Just as most people would prefer to see a movie than read a book, most would rather see a marketing video than read a script. This article will discuss 5 vital tips for successful email marketing with videos.

Why are email marketers focusing more and more on video email? 64% of them think they’ll get a significant boost to conversion rates. Over 50% said that it will improve click-through rates and drive customers onto landing pages. Over 20% said that video emails can also reduce support and training costs.
1. When reciting a script in front of the camera, always wear colors. Colored clothing actually draws interest and attention. Have a neutral background with subtle accessories. Too many extravagant or eye-catching background pieces may distract viewers from the message being presented. The key idea is to keep the appearance simple, but pleasant.

2. Keep the voice calm and avoid speaking loudly. Speaking loudly or yelling portrays the idea that a faulty product or service is being sold and the marketer is yelling to sound authoritative to cover up the flaws. Avoid speaking in third person. The most successful marketing video will be in first person because the viewer will find it more relevant. Remember to keep a pleasant and personal tone, adding mild emotion or humorous tones when necessary.

3. Make the script short and concise. When a potential customer opens an email video and sees it is 4 minutes instead of 20, they will be much more likely to watch it. Remember that people value their time highly, so get right to the point.

4. Think from the perspective of a viewer who has never heard of the product and consider what they want to hear. They will always want to know the “5 W’s” – who, what, when, where, why. Who is the seller and what is being sold? When did the service or product enter the market and where is it found? Lastly, why is the consumer being contacted? This is the most important of the 5 W’s. If the targeted audience would be amused with mystery, it is a good idea to leave a cliff-hanger at the end of the clip, leading to the next intended email video.

5. As mentioned in the first point, it is important to avoid distracting backgrounds. However, it is also important to have visual aids or some form of entertainment that is related to the service or product being marketed. Demonstrations, charts or other visual aids may be used to captivate the attention of viewers.

Successful video email marketing will incorporate each of these tips to create a presentation that will lead viewers to take action. Having the right marketing products to accomplish this is equally important.

Author Bio: Roland Skagg is a nationally acclaimed business and real estate consultant. He highly recommends cutting edge, yet affordable, video email marketing with comF5 Video Email and comF5 Sign-Up.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: comf5, video email, video email marketing, video marketing, email marketing

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