Why Get a Massage When You Are Older?

There are several reasons why a senior or older person should consider keeping up with massage therapy or stone therapy. As we get older our body catch up to the way we treated it all our lives. If we hurt we tend to withdraw and become hermits and lose the energy we need to keep lively and young at heart. If this happens before you know the only you will find yourself doing is waking, eating, watching television and sleeping. This is a routine that will only find yourself gaining weight and putting yourself in a depression state that you will not know how to break until it may be too late.

No one spends their whole life working to raise their family to become dull and boring. As everyone knows you use to be fun and the one way to stay fun is to stay young at heart. The best way to stay young at heart is to keep you healthy. This includes your mind, body, and soul. Your soul can be handled spiritually, your mind can be handled with continuous learning and socialization and your body should be handled with exercise, continuous motion and massage therapy.

Most people will experience a rise in aches and pains as they grow older and range of motion begins to decrease. This is when you must keep yourself aware of the possibility of depression. Being sick and not feeling well weighs on the mind. You can control this with your lifestyle. Senior massage uses particular techniques that can assist you with the pain management and improve your stability and muscle tone as an enhanced benefit plus boost your sense of well-being.

Senior massage means the massage therapist will use a gentler approach on your body, limbs and joints. They will provide more attention to your hands and feet where improving the circulation will help you. The increased circulation on any of the areas of your body will provide you a heightened sense of body awareness. The massage therapy when used around your joint increase the natural joint lubrication which in turn reduces the aches and pains you experience.

Massages include and improve muscle tone and give you a positive impact on your muscle strength and coordination. This provides better balance and less risks of falling. It is a prevention that is worth every ounce and minute of time spent lying on the table. Seniors are known to be easily knocked off balance and with weakening bones and bone loss seniors are more susceptible to fractures. As we get older we tend to have disruptive sleep. We no longer have the rigorous schedules to maintain. Massage therapy is a way to help keep your sleeping patterns in check by keeping your body less stressed. The power that therapeutic touch has on the emotional state of the client is undeniable.

It is often difficult for an elderly person to accept their own physical limitations that make it difficult or even impossible to perform the activities that brought them a lifetime of enjoyment. This causes a rise in anxiety and depression, often add to a senior\’s existing feelings of isolation. Do not let this happen to someone you know and love, if needed provide them the ride to that senior massage.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone supplies provider. They carry products such as massage rocks, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: senior massage,massage therapist,,stone massage

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