Can a Wireless Signal Be Stolen

Recently there were a couple arrest made. Two guys have been booked and fingerprinted for the theft of wireless router signals. Something you cannot see or touch but still valuable enough that the owners of the wireless router signal pressed charges. Names are not important what is important is that this is proof positive that a wireless router signal can be stolen.

The idea that a police department would set up a sting operation to catch these airwave pirates, seems a little like something out of a Friday night crime drama. This really is a serious problem that can have equally serious consequences for you.

Data theft, eaves dropping, legal complications and even getting investigated for computer related crimes like stalking and child pornography are just a few of the hazards the owner of a stolen signal could face.

As the thieves, one from the US and one from the United Kingdom found out it is against the law. Not only that, but what if the person you are stealing the signal from catches you. It could turn ugly in a short period of time.

People do it all too often, this stealing of wireless router signals. Drive through any neighborhood and you can see people sitting in their vehicles on their laptops. The American who resided in the state of Florida was charged with a felony. It seems that the state of Florida takes this type of wireless router signal theft very seriously. The United Kingdom’s culprit was fined almost a thousand dollars, and their version of probation.

The wireless routers in most homes broadcast a signal from about 150 feet. This is from the access point all the way to the router. It may get slowed down a bit by walls but if it reaches the outside it goes on from there. Anyone with a laptop or notebook with a WiFi device can detect your signal.

It is easy as pie to find and jump on an unprotected wireless router signal. All they have to do is set the wifi to search and when it detects a strong enough signal click on the icon and they are in business. The signal is not the only thing you may be sharing with these thieves. There are even users who leave the networks open on purpose so others can use it. This is the height of foolishness. The wireless router Internet signal may not be all you share with these person or persons unknown.

The type of person who will steal a wireless router signal already has the makings of a criminal mind. It is just a few clicks until they can steal or view any data connected with that signal. The problem is most people would not even know when their signal.

Living in an urban area the theft of a wireless router signal is always possible, it is important that you take the necessary precautions to protect not only your signal but your self as well. If you use a Windows operating system the thief could easily tap into your wireless router signal and open any file on your computer.

Author Bio: To learn more about good quality wireless routers, visit today!

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Wireless Router

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