Create a New You

How do you create a new you? It all begins with your thoughts.

You have to begin by cleansing your THOUGHTS! Give up and Forgive the Past and make yourself be Positive about the Future. Switch your mindset from going over and over and over all the stuff that’s happened to you -it happened; move on, please. I don’t care WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE or WHY it all happened-IT’S OVER!

I don’t ask God for guidance; I call it in. Become ONE with God’s Perfect Love and Light by just inviting it in to your Entire Being and let God create your life through your Body, Mind and Spirit. Don’t even think about HOW God can do all this; trust me, he’s had far worse situations than yours! In order to allow this process to begin, you must DROP the ball and chain you’ve been dragging around-it takes up way too much room in your Being and now is the time to roll it right out of your life. It no longer serves you, —, and the very miserable-ness you’re experiencing right now is caused by the crushing weight of the crap you’ve been carrying around on your shoulders for years. DROP IT!!!

Here is How to Begin:

Make a new document in the computer and label it “(—‘s) ” Who, What, When, Where and Why” List. If you want more privacy, get a pretty new notebook or decorate one yourself like you did in high school (I KNOW you did!) and write it by hand.

Date and time each entry so you’ll be able to chart your experience. You can work on it anytime you feel like it-one, two or three times a day-or, all night.

Be gentle with yourself and before you begin each session make sure you have a glass of water to drink next to you; close your eyes; clear your mind; take several deep, slow cleansing breaths (in through your nose, out through your mouth) and when you feel calm, begin the session.

Choose which category you feel like exploring or cleansing during the session. Example: “I want to work on my sister issues this session.” That would be a “Who” category. Write that down after the time and date entry. Example: 01/26/11 12:30 AM WHO: Sister Stuff.

Write, Write, and Write until you feel like you are “done” or your arm falls off. Keep drinking the water and get more if you need to; take a bath room break, walk around; eat a snack-whatever. There are no rules.

I would keep doing this for the rest of your life-like a diary. It is a way to see what you have done, how you were feeling, etc. When you start to feel Lighter-highlight that day or session with a color that feels happy to you, so you can scan quickly to “happy” and read what was going on during that time.

I love you, —, and want you to succeed. I am here to answer your questions and guide you through this process. But remember This is YOUR process and I know YOU and God have the answers. I want you to rely and trust your own Inner Wisdom as I have, because that is the only thing that will sustain you and be available at any time. Our life experiences are like a wave. You need to become a surfer-or, in your case, be able to Dance on the Water!

Need help to get started? Contact me, Cherokee Billie, and I will be glad to shove you on your way down The Path. I look forward to the Reveal of the new you!

Author Bio: Cherokee Billie offers help through the lens of clairvoyance, self-help, wisdom, philosophy, and spirituality. Cherokee Billie is the Author of \”Heavenly Seduction\” an best seller. In addition, Cherokee Billie is a Naturopathic Doctor (twenty years experience) Life Strategist, a Radio Personality, and an Ordained Minister leading people to a pathway to spiritual enlightenment.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: Create thoughts, cleansing thoughts, Forgive past, God, New document, write, diary, God\\\’s perfect lo

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