Getting Bonded Means That Accused Persons Do Not Spend Time in Jail

For those who find themselves in trouble with the law regularly, a bail bonds agent will be no stranger for sure. What a bail bond agent does is to make sure that the accused spends as little time incarcerated as possible before the case is heard. This can be done in several ways but the accused must know that he is responsible for turning up when he should.

The accused is arrested and brought to the police station where his paperwork will be done. Once he goes to court, which is usually within a day or two, the court will decide if he is to be trusted to come back and face the court on the charge at a later date. If they think that he will abscond, or the case is a very serious one, they will place an amount on him that he must pay into the court before he is allowed to be free. This is to deter anyone from running away without facing the music, so to speak.

Since this amount can run into hundreds of thousands, or even millions in some cases, then it is not unusual for the accused person not to have that amount of money at his disposal. He has two choices in this instance. Either he stays in jail until the court date comes around, or he finds one of these experts who will guarantee that he will come to court at the requisite time.

What the agents need is about ten percent of the total sum set by the court. This can be furnished with guarantees by relatives of the accused, title deeds to land or houses, credit card payments or just about anything that the agent can use to assure himself that the accused will do as he should. For this amount, the agent takes the risk of guaranteeing the court that he will turn up on the allotted date.

Of course, depending on the severity of the case, some people have taken it upon themselves to run away even to out-of-state destinations. Because of this, agents have set up bounty hunter operations to track them down. If they do not track them down then they will surely have to pay the court fines etc placed on that person and this can be quite substantial.

The accused has a duty to come back to court when they tell him to. But some get scared, or they know that they are going to be found guilty, so off they go to hide from the law. However, with computers etc in operation today, this is very difficult indeed so they are usually caught red-handed somewhere and brought back.

For the court, this often looks like an admission of guilt. For the agent, this looks like the accused is not trustworthy so it is unlikely that he will be able to avail himself of this service again in the future. The next time he is arrested, he will probably have to stay locked up until the court case is heard.

Author Bio: Penny Lane has a son in law school who works closely with a Las Vegas bail bond firm as part of his training. His son has learned a lot working at a Las Vegas bail bonds firm.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Las Vegas bail bond,Las vegas bail bonds

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