How to Meet Women at Clubs

It is Friday night and you deserve a night on the town. You’ve worked hard all week and now you are ready to cut loose, have a drink, maybe dance a bit and definitely laugh a lot. And you are really ready to meet some amazing women tonight and possibly make one of them part of the rest of your weekend.

The first thing you do is decide where to go and round up some friends to make sure the evening will be jumping. You’ve decided on a hot new club that always has gorgeous women, good drinks and great music and arrange to meet your friends there at 10. After you go home and take a quick nap, eat a light dinner and have a beer in front of the television, you are ready to start your night.

Here are three tips or ideas that can help you have an amazing night and meet women when you get to the club.

Get pumped up. Now the thing about this suggestion is that different people get pumped up by different activities. You have to figure out what works for you. I can give you a few ideas that either me or my friends use to get in the mood to go out and rip it up. My buddy likes to do sit ups. I like to crank some good tunes and bounce around my apartment. Another friend of mine sticks in his favorite movie, “Dumb and Dumber” and spends two hours laughing is butt off so he is in a great mood when he leaves his house. Another friend of mine is into martial arts and so he might do some warm up moves or even some quiet meditation in his room to get himself ready to go out and have a good time. Figure out what gets you in a good mood and ready to go out and make sure you set aside some time to do it early in the evening – or preferably, right before you walk out your door.

Change your expectations. What I mean by this is that I want you to make your goal for the night something different than meeting a girl. If you make that your only goal you are going to have a tough time of it. What my friends and I have found that works is to make our goal very simple: having fun with each other. And what is so surprising is that it works like magic to attract women. In reality, it just makes sense. When we are having fun, laughing and joking around, we are instantly charismatic. Everyone wants to talk to us and have fun with us. It is contagious. So change your goal in order to get your goal – meeting a hot girl.

Look sharp. Now too many guys take this simple tip for granted. I don’t care if it costs half your paycheck and you don’t buy another clothing item for six months, I want you to invest in at least one outfit that makes you look like a rock star. Take your time in choosing it. Ask for advice from experienced sales clerks or stylish women friends. Buy a flattering shirt that fits you perfectly. Buy some great jeans – the right ones can take 20 pounds off your frame. Spend the bulk of this wardrobe money on some really cool stylish shoes that will be in style for the next decade. Don’t underestimate what your clothes say about you and their ability to attract women.

If you follow these tips, you are more than halfway there to having an amazing night and meeting cool girls.

Author Bio: Bill has been a pua for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl . The original article can be found here: Get A Girlfriend.

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to get girls, where to meet women, pick up forum, text a girl, how to get a girlfriend

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